April 26, 2021

As is tradition at The Busch School, The Office of Student Experience presents students with end of the year awards to recognize their leadership throughout the academic year.

Force for Good Award - Mari Nicole Rosales1617756786273.jpg

This award is given to a student who has shown the greatest demonstration of scholarship, character, and service of all areas of Catholic Social Teaching. A student who has given of his or her time in service to the Busch School and University community and exemplifies our mission each and every day, both inside and outside the classroom.


Excellence in the Common Good - Elizabeth Dew1617709978025.jpg

This award is given to a student who has exemplified excellent stewardship of the gifts and talents he or she has received in service to the school, and has encouraged that same stewardship in others. A student who consistently cares for the common good of his or her classmates, professors, and the Busch School community.


Excellence in Subsidiarity - Mike McShea1603391116137.jpg

This award is given to a student who best exemplifies personal freedom and responsibility. A Student who takes ownership or his or her decisions and entrusts similar care of responsibility in classmates, teammates, or peers.


Excellence in Human Dignity - Grady Connolly1618888635055.jpg

This award is given to a student who recognizes the beauty and dignity of each individual person. This student places people first, and demonstrates his or her understanding of this principle through daily interactions with friends, professors, and colleagues.


Excellence in Solidarity - Chris Talamini-Kelemen1617899043358.jpg

This award is given to a student who consistently demonstrates his or her ability to be a team player. A student who goes out of his or her way to help someone in need for the good of the class, the school, or society.


Most Likely To...


Donate Their Future Millions to the Busch School - Jack Murray 1570537438068.jpg




Have Their Class Notes Published - Kate Behlen headshotkb---katherine-behlen-1-1.jpg




Have Their Class Doodles Featured in a Smithsonian Exhibit - Nick Torrella1538854656745.jpg




Outsell Mark Weber - Bridget Beck1573764629408.jpg




Become a Busch School Professor - Billy Duke1596214422045.jpg