September 29, 2021

Brian Reinhart is a junior sport management major and student minister from Georgetown, Kentucky.

What is your favorite part of being a student leader in the CatholicU community?

"Getting to be in community with so many other great leaders and being inspired by their example in my work as a leader on campus. I also love getting to know people from grades above and below my own."

How has your student leadership position had a positive impact on your role as a student at the Busch School?

"Being a student leader has opened me up to engage more with my peers on campus as a minister and as a student in the Busch School."

What advice do you have for Busch School students who are interested in becoming a student leader?

"Becoming a student leader has been a real blessing and something I would suggest to everyone. You learn a lot about yourself in the experience and it is a good way to give back to the amazing community we have on this campus."