September 13, 2021
Last week, the Busch School hosted a “Meet and Greet” for all first year students to meet the faculty, staff, and peer mentors of the school. Dr. Abela, dean of the Busch School, welcomed students with an address on how grounding their four years of study in the virtues, particularly the Cardinal Virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance, would prepare students for success in their business careers and also for a fruitful life. Students were then invited to mingle and shared snacks with various members of the Busch School community.

Emily Dee, a first year student from New Jersey, shared her experience of the “Meet and Greet”:

What I enjoyed about the Busch School Meet and Greet was how welcoming the entire event felt. One thing Catholic University excels at is creating an environment to encourage optimism and excitement, while making us feel at home.

The event was also a part of "Growing as a Cardinal," a six-week program for first year students to help them adjust to Catholic U as smoothly as possible and to help them become part of the campus community.