February 03, 2023

Alessia Pecorella is a Finance and Marketing student from Malverne, NY. She shares why she chose to attend Catholic University and the Busch School, and what advice she has for prospective students.

Why did you choose to attend Catholic University and the Busch School?

"I chose to attend Catholic University and the Busch School because of the best of both worlds situation it offers. You can have the traditional college campus experience as a student but be in the nation's Capital."

What's been your favorite part of being a student at Catholic University?

"My favorite part of being a student at Catholic University is the amazing people I have met which made my four years so special. Everyone from the friends I made, the teachers I have had, and the staff has made my experience one I will never forget."

What advice would you give to prospective students?

"The advice I would give prospective students is to get involved, no matter where they go to school. You never know who you are going to meet and where. My other advice would be to trust your gut and not compare yourself to anyone else."