The Röpke-Wojtyła Fellowship is a program hosted by The Catholic University of America for Catholic undergraduate seniors from any institution across the United States. The purpose of the program is to educate future Catholic intellectuals and business leaders in the study of market order and social thought — and in particular Catholic social thought as it compares to more secular scholarship. Throughout the year, the fellows will discuss topics in history, philosophy, political economy, politics, and sociology. 

The Röpke-Wojtyła Fellowship is a call on young Catholics to explore important questions of social philosophy, such as the makings of a good society, the civilizing aspect of commerce, and the tensions between markets and community. The Fellowship also aims to encourage the next generation to critically engage intellectual traditions and authors they might not otherwise encounter during their studies.  These include the Church Fathers on trade, the medieval debates on commerce and the economy, the origins of property, the impact of labor value theory on social movements, the critiques of political economy, Wilhelm Rpke's assessment of the social framework for the market order, and Karol Wojtyła’s philosophy of the human person are some examples of the scholarship this Fellowship explores. Additionally, in recognition of the 40th anniversary of the publication of Michael Novak's seminal work, The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, the 2022-23, 2023-24, and 2024-25 cohorts will spend focused attention on themes raised there. 

Röpke-Wojtyła Fellowships are awarded to outstanding senior level undergraduate students majoring in a variety of disciplines. Fellows participate in four colloquia throughout the year. At all these events, students interact with exceptional and inspiring scholars.

  • Röpke-Wojtyła Fellows receive a stipend of $2,000 in two installments.
  • Additionally, travel, lodging, and most meals for the colloquia are covered.

Dr. Frederic Sautet, a co-founder of the Ciocca Center and an Associate Professor in the Busch School of Business directs RWF. Please contact him at for general questions about the program.

If you will be a college senior in 2025-2026 and are interested in becoming a Fellow, applications are now open. To apply, send an email to with a 500 word (max) personal statement explaining your academic career to-date, your intellectual interests and career goals, your expectations for the Fellowship, as well as how you see the relationship among religion, society, and the marketplace. Please also include a resume and a transcript (unofficial is fine). Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year are due May 1, 2025.



On May 3, 2025, the Ciocca Center will host its first-ever Röpke-Wojtyła Fellowship for Executives. The RWF Executive Session gives business leaders who share a serious interest in Catholic thought and economic flourishing the opportunity to experience the fellowship for a day, and makes it possible for future students to attend. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Dr. Frederic Sautet at