Welcome to the Career Development Resource Page. The Busch School Office of Career Development is here to assist you with all of your career-related needs. Here you can find information about who we are, what we do, access downloadable forms, and learn about many of the best practices for your career search.

  • Connect with Career Development

    Do you have a quick question, or want to know more about an event we are hosting?

    Email: career-development@cua.edu or visit our Contact Us page.

  • Resume and Cover Letters

    The Bush School of Business Office of Career Development has tailored two downloadable documents. The resume template has been vetted and approved by our network of employers, and the cover letter template explains how best to highlight your experiences and noteworthy achievements.
  • Coaching Appointments

    Want to set up a Career Coaching Appointment to lay out a roadmap for your future career? Want to learn more about the career paths available to you based on your major? Perhaps you don’t know which major to choose and are simply wanting to know more.

    Schedule a Career Coaching Appointment here.


  • Certifications and Professional Licenses

    FREE from Catholic University: LinkedIn Learning

    LinkedIn Learning Excel Certification

    See below for how to get your CPA:


    More to come...

  • How To: Handshake and LinkedIn Profiles

    Handshake: This website is offered to Catholic U students and targets Catholic U students and alumni for jobs/internships, advertises on-campus interviews/information sessions/career fairs, and allows you to network with Catholic U alumni! Read this article for help on how to set up your profile.

    LinkedIn: This website is a way to manage your professional identity, and build and engage with your professional network. View this checklist of everything you should include on your profile.

  • Networking, Internship and Job Search

    Catholic University students can view a webinar from one of our interns on How to find an internship, including practical tips for networking.

    Network with Catholic University Alumni on LinkedIn

    How to Find an Internship Handout

    We suggest that prior to beginning your online job or internship search, you work with a Career Coach or Academic Advisor to do a self-evaluation about your interests, skills, and values. An online job search can be much more efficient if you know what you're looking for in a position or a company.
    All undergraduate students will utilize self-discovery tools in their BUS 199 and BUS 299 courses. If you have questions or need help, contact us for more info. 

    Before you begin searching for internships, we suggest you review our Intern Guide.

    If you are ready to search for available internships or jobs, and know what you’re looking for, we suggest you begin on Catholic U’s tailored job board called Handshake. If you haven’t yet created a profile as a CUA student, be sure to log in here.  Another great resource for your search is LinkedIn. If you have a company in mind without posted positions on Handshake, reach out to career-development@cua.edu. We will check our alumni database to see if there is someone we can connect you with to learn more.

  • Career Fairs

    Interested in attending the next Catholic University Career Fair? Click here to learn more.
  • Recruiting Policies for Employers Seeking to Hire Busch School Students

    Review our Recruiting Policies

    For more info about Employer relations, visit the Employers & Alumni: Hire Busch School Students.

  • Career Competencies

    The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) supplied these eight core competencies to develop throughout your undergraduate education.
  • Interviewing Tips