The Tim and Steph Busch School of Business fosters students who not only are prepared for the workplace, but who also excel in their academic areas while they are at Catholic U. We wish to highlight the accomplishments of these students, as they are models of the kind of education we aspire to impart. Their education has been one which emphasizes the importance of becoming virtuous persons as well as successful business leaders. 

In our efforts to honor those who have done outstanding work while here at the Busch school, we invite you to take a moment to peruse our students below who have received awards or academic honors — both recently and in past academic years. 

  • Dean's List

    View the criteria for our students who have earned a place on the Dean's List.

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  • Lambda Epsilon Omicron (ΛΕΟ) Honor Society

    Learn about our students—including our graduating seniors—recently inducted into the Lambda Epsilon Omicron (ΛΕΟ) Honor Society.

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  • Graduation Awards

    Learn more about the award categories and Latin Honors for our outstanding seniors who receive graduation honors.

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  • Honors Convocation

    Find out more about our annual University Honors Convocation.

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