The Busch School career coach provides personalized support to students at all stages of their career journey, from discovery to exploration to application. If you work with a career coach and take advantage of the Busch School's Career Development curriculum, programs and resources, you will be better prepared to make informed and meaningful career decisions. We follow the career development process of exploration, application, networking, and decision making.

Your career coach, Caroline, is an experienced professional who can help you identify your interests, skills, and values, and what they reveal about your future career choices. 


Caroline is passionate about student success and serves as a resource for you throughout your time in the Busch School of Business. 

Caroline serves as part of a larger Career Development team, including Hannah Hix, Ryan Reilly, and the Student Career Peer Advisors* (CPA's), all of whom are available to students for further career discovery support. Students, see below for how to make appointments with us. 

*CPA's are only available during the Fall and Spring semesters.

How to Schedule an Appointment Using EAB