Julia Englert is an International Business and Sales student from Shawnee, KS. She shares why she chose to attend Catholic University and the Busch School, and what advice she has for prospective students.
Why did you choose to attend Catholic University and the Busch School?
"I choose Catholic because of faith, opportunity, and community. I love the fact that I never have to compartmentalize my faith and my future career here at the Busch School and that I'm learning how to be a force for good for others. I also knew there would be endless opportunities at Catholic. The location provides opportunities for unique internships and all sorts of fun things around the city. I knew I was never going to be bored and that I would not be able to have such unique experiences available to me if I had gone somewhere else. Finally, I felt so at home the first time I stepped onto Catholic University's campus because of the community. Everyone, from faculty to students, are simply incredible."
What's been your favorite part of being a student at Catholic University?
"My favorite part is by far the community at Catholic University. I came to Catholic knowing no one and have easily found some of my best friends in my time here. Everyone is so welcoming and even just smiling at someone on the sidewalk can lead to one of the closest friendships you'll have. The faculty is also amazing, wanting to make my and my peers' time at Catholic the best it can possibly be. They are always willing to meet with you and want to know you as more than just a face on the class roster. Those personal connections that you can make with just about anyone on campus are why the community has been my favorite part about being a student at Catholic."
What advice would you give to prospective students?
"Don't stress out over the little things. It will all work out how it's supposed to, so don't worry yourself too much."