Grounded in a theological and spiritual framework, the Church Management Program responds to the needs of dioceses, schools, hospitals, and nonprofits inspired by the Catholic Faith. Pastors, religious, and lay men and women can pursue a Master of Science in Ecclesial Administration and Management (30 hours), earn a graduate certificate (12 hours), or enroll in specific non-degree courses.

Spirituality of Management

In service of the Church in the United States, the Church Management Program at the Busch School aims to promote the faith with an ecclesial effort to reform, to aid the poor, and to promote holiness throughout the world.

The program’s faculty is drawn from the Busch School of Business, comprising experts in civil and ecclesial practice. Instruction is supplemented by guest lecturers and seminar-leaders from parishes, schools, seminaries, dioceses, and apostolates. The degree program includes individual courses redesigned to to respond to the 6th edition of the Program of Priestly Formation, approved by the Holy See on June 24, 2022.

Master of Science

The Master of Science in Ecclesial Administration and Management is an online program in management, accounting, finance, planning, decision-making, and the virtues of leadership. The program’s goal is for its graduates to imitate the Master who “came not to be served but to serve” (Mt 20:28) and thereby steward the treasure and talent of God’s creation. The degree consists of 30 credit hours that can be completed in one calendar year or paced across several semesters.

Graduate Certificate Programs

The Busch School offers two graduate certificates in Church Management:

1) Graduate Certificate in Church Leadership: Designed for seminarians, this certificate requires two core courses - EAM 504 and 506 - which focus on the virtues of leadership in an ecclesial context, plus additional coursework selected by the student to reach 12 credit hours.

2) Graduate Certificate in Church Administration: Designed for pastors and parish or school administrators, this certificate requires two core courses - EAM 512 and 513 - which focus on the hard and soft skills of administration, plus additional coursework selected by the student to reach 12 credit hours.

After completion of a certificate, students may choose to apply the credits towards the full MEAM degree program.

4+1 Undergraduate Program

Current Catholic University undergraduates can take up to 12 credit hours of Church Management courses during their undergraduate studies to count towards both their undergraduate and graduate degree requirements.  After earning the bachelor’s degree, the 4+1 student will complete the remaining 18 credit hours to obtain a Master of Science in Ecclesial Administration and Management.

Undergraduate students must apply for and be accepted by the Church Management Program to be enrolled in the 4+1. Contact Fr. Bob Gahl, program director, to learn more.



In the News

Church Management Director, Fr. Bob Gahl, and current students share more about the program with the National Catholic Register.
Learn more


Church Management Executive Workshop


Summer In-Person Intensive: August 5-9, 2024 (on campus)



Hear from our students how studying Church Management has impacted them!

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