Jake Ballard, CatholicU '21, is a Strategy, Management, and Operations major from Chester Springs, PA. He accepted a job as an Associate, Institutional RFP Team, at SEI Investments. Below, he shares his experiences in the Busch School and at Catholic University:
Briefly describe your new job opportunity.
"I have accepted a position with SEI Investments Company in Oaks, PA as part of their Institutional Group’s Marketing RFP team. I will be working to respond to proposals and market SEI’s solutions to institutional clients. I interned with SEI the summer of 2020 and they asked me to stay on as an intern during the school year which evolved to this full-time role."
How did your Busch School and Catholic University education help you find this career path?
"As a Strategy, Management and Operations major I was exposed to a broad cross section of courses in all areas of business including finance, sales, operations and marketing that gave me the foundation to consider multiple roles with SEI. Being part of the Sales Program my senior year and working on simulated mock marketing and sales opportunities has helped bring to life everything I have learned to transfer into my career."
What activities were you involved in during undergrad?
"I am a four-year starter of the men’s football team which has taught me many lessons about leadership, cooperation, working with others, perseverance and commitment. I participated in services days throughout my four years, like the MLK Day of Service. This is a great way to give back to the community! Lastly, I am apart of Choose Cards first."
What were some highlights of your time at Catholic University?
"Creating the bonds with so many individuals that will last a lifetime. Everyone here at Catholic is from all over the globe and it gives an opportunity to meet people you never thought you would, from different parts of the country and different backgrounds. Also, being a part of the football team, traveling and meeting people from schools as far away as Maine including MIT and the Coast Guard Academy and hosting teams at Catholic. Going to school in DC was a great experience in itself!"
What advice do you have for students during their job search?
"Prepare and network. Network using LinkedIn to create multiple touch points. Join industry groups. Follow market leaders and connect with many people to grow your relationship map. Learn as much as you can about the companies you are talking to. Be open to different opportunities and go outside of your comfort zone. Leverage your professors as part of this process. I worked with my sales professor, Mark Weber, who not only was a great mentor and gave me guidance but also connected me with other students to practice interview questions."