Elizabeth Dew, Catholic '22, is an Accounting major from Wellesley, MA. She's interning as an Federal Audit Intern with KPMG.
When/how did you secure your internship?
"I was able to get in touch with the KPMG recruiter through Catholic University alumni working at KPMG, and with the help of Professor Kirst and the Busch School career development programs, received an offer last spring."
What got you interested in that type of role?
"I reached out to multiple people in my network working in different industries for the Big 4 and felt that beginning in audit would be the best decision for me as it sets you up with a strong accounting foundation for your career. As I have had commercial audit experience in past internships, I wanted to get experience in a different industry that is generally unfamiliar to me as of now."
Are there any projects or aspects of the job that you have a special interest in?
"The clients that you get to work with are extremely interesting in fed audit, and I am excited to see how KPMG, as well as the clients, have adapted to a more remote environment."
What advice do you have for students during their internship search?
"Utilizing the network I was able to build through the Busch School and the Accounting Society was extremely helpful for me, and you never know where a connection can take you so do not hesitate to reach out and pick people’s brains, because they’ve been in your exact shoes."