Elizabeth Noe, Catholic '22, is an Economics major from Arlington, VA. Elizabeth is interning in the College Financial Representative program with Northwestern Mutual.
When/how did you secure your internship?
"I was introduced to a recruiter named Nicole Keeter by my FIN 332 professor, Michael Piemonte. I then went through the interview process, which included three interviews and a market survey exercise."
What got you interested in that type of role?
"I have really enjoyed my finance classes and after the social isolation of the pandemic, I wanted a job that was more client-facing."
Are there any projects or aspects of the job that you have a special interest in?
"I am particularly interested in some of the SEC regulated products that Northwestern Mutual recommends to clients."
What advice do you have for students during their internship search?
"Cast a wide net and always be open to opportunities! Don't be afraid to ask for help because there are always people willing to make an introduction or give you advice."