Scott McKinnon, Catholic '22, is a Finance and Entrepreneurship student from Long Island, NY. He's interning as an Engagement Financial Advisory Intern at Deloitte.
When/how did you secure your internship?
"After working super closely with Brett LaPrad for the past two years discussing different opportunities that could fit for me, Brett sent over the EFA internship with Deloitte in early February. After several rounds of interviewing, and continuing to work with Brett, I was extended an offer from Deloitte in April!"
What got you interested in that type of role?
"This role matches up with my interest in finance while also allowing me to work on a team at a firm where my values match well. While searching for an internship, I constantly try to find a firm that will support me the same way the Busch School of Business does on a daily basis, and I felt the same support with Deloitte."
Are there any projects or aspects of the job that you have a special interest in?
"I am very interested in the work I will be doing with budgeting and forecasting. I love the idea of taking a problem and working with others to solve it through finance. My role will allow me to support partners of the firm in making sure the projects they are dealing with are within or even under budget and are a win-win situation for both Deloitte and the client."
What advice do you have for students during their internship search?
"I would give three pieces of advice. One, use your resources. From the Offices of Career Development to the Busch Mentor Program, The Busch School is here to support students in every single way possible, so do not think you are in this alone! Two, network with everyone. Knowledge is power, and this is nowhere more true than when searching for an internship. Talk to Catholic University Alumni working at a firm you love, or use social media to research about any firm you find interesting. And lastly, enjoy the process; although it could seem stressful or fruitless at some points, everyone ends up where they belong and the process itself is almost as exciting as landing the internship!"