Dependence on God and Man: Toward a Catholic Constitution of Liberty, 2015 Calihan Lecture, Journal of Markets and Morality, Vol 19 [2], Fall 2016.
Soulmates, Paradoxes, and the Significance of the Family for American Political Economy, The Family in America, Vol 30 [2], Spring 2016, pp. 215-228.
Non-Traditional Families and Progress through School: A Comment on Rosenfeld (with D Allen and J Price) Demography, Vol 50 [3], June 2013, pp. 955-961.
Epidemiology of brain lymphoma among people with or without acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (with TR Cote, A Manns, FJ Yellin and P Hartge). AIDS/Cancer Study Group. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol 88[10], May 1996, pp. 675.