Frederic Sautet’s ResearchGate page.
Frederic Sautet’s SSRN page.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
January 2017: “Austrian Market Theory and the Entrepreneurial Function as Opportunity Recognition,” Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Edited by Catherine Léger-Jarniou and Silke Tegtmeier, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc.
October 2015: “Market Theory and the Price System,” Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics, Peter Boettke and Christopher Coyne, eds, Oxford University Press.
August 2013: “Prior Knowledge and Opportunity Identification,” co-authored with Jason Arentz and Virgil Storr, Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal, 41(2), 461-478.
March 2013: “Local and Systemic Entrepreneurship: Solving the Puzzle of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development,” Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, 37(2), 387-402.
May 2011: “Remarks from 1809 by Dupont de Nemours on Adam Smith,” preface co-authored with Dan Klein, Econ Journal Watch. (I also translated the letter from French.)
August 2010: “The Competitive Market is a Process of Entrepreneurial Discovery,” The Handbook on Austrian Economics, Peter Boettke, editor, published by Edward Elgar.
September 2009: “The Next Silicon Valley? On the Relationship between Geographical Clustering and Public Policy,” co-authored with Pierre Desrochers and Gert-Jan Hospers, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 5, 286-99.
December 2008: “Silicon Somewhere: A Critique of Cluster Policy,” co-authored with Gert-Jan Hospers and Pierre Desrochers, The Handbook of Research on Innovation and Clusters, vol. 2, Professor Charlie Karlsson editor, Edward Elgar.
September 2008: “Diversity and the Case Against Specialized Clusters,” co-authored with Pierre Desrochers and Gert-Jan Hospers, The Handbook of Research on Cluster Theory, vol. 1, Professor Charlie Karlsson, editor, Edward Elgar.
September 2008: "Entrepreneurial Policy: The Case of Regional Specialization vs Spontaneous Industrial Diversity," co-authored with Pierre Desrochers, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 32(5), 813-832 (special issue on government policy and entrepreneurial activity).
June 2007: “The Shaky Foundations of Competition Law,” New Zealand Law Journal, June 2007 issue, 186-90.
March 2006: “Why Have Kiwis Not Become Tigers? Reforms, Entrepreneurship and Economic Performance in New Zealand,” The Independent Review, 10 (4), March, 573-597.
September 2005: “The New Comparative Political Economy” co-authored with Peter Boettke, Christopher Coyne, and Peter Leeson, The Review of Austrian Economics, 18 (3/4), 281-304.
June 2004: “Cluster-Based Economic Strategy, Facilitation Policy and the Market Process” co-authored with Pierre Desrochers, The Review of Austrian Economics (special issue on Urban Economics), 17(2/3), 233-45.
March 2002: “Kirznerian Economics: Some Policy Implications and Issues,” Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, XII (1), 131-151.
Books, handbooks, encyclopedia and other contributions as editor and/or author
October 2022: “Alertness: An Aristotelian Approach,” A Modern Guide to Austrian Economics, Edited by Per Bylun, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc.
December 2009-20: The Collected Works of Israel M. Kirzner in 10 volumes, co-edited with Peter Boettke, and published by the Liberty Fund, Indianapolis.
November 2013: “Opportunity Recognition,” “Ricardian Rents,” and “Schumpeterian Rents,” The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management, David Teece ed., University of Berkeley.
June 2012: “The Genius of Mises, The Brilliance of Kirzner,” co-authored with Peter Boettke, republished in Boettke, Peter. Living Economics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, Independent Institute. Originally published in 2011 in The Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations, volume III.
April 2012: Twenty-five entries in the Dictionnaire du Libéralisme published in French by Larousse and edited by Mathieu Laine.
April 2010: “The Use of Knowledge in Economics” co-authored with Peter Boettke in Manfred Moldaschl & Nico Stehr, eds., Wissensökonomie und Innovation. Beiträge zur Ökonomie der Wissensgesellschaft, Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag, 77-91.
March 2009: Foreword to Ivan Pongracic’s book Employees and Entrepreneurship: Co-ordination and Spontaneity in Non-Hierarchical Business Organizations, published by Edward Elgar.
January 2008: “Why Have Kiwis Not Become Tigers? Reforms, Entrepreneurship and Economic Performance in New Zealand” in Making Poor Nations Rich: Entrepreneurship and the Process of Development, Ben Powell, editor with a foreword by Deepak Lal, published by Stanford University Press and The Independent Institute.
October 2006: “The Logic of Economics” in L’Homme Libre: Mélanges en L’Honneur de Pascal Salin, edited by Mathieu Laine and Jörg Guido Hülsmann, Paris: Les Belles Lettres (festschrift in honor of Professor Pascal Salin).
May 2000: An Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm. Published by Routledge, London, 200 pages, in the Foundations of the Market Economy series.
March 1996: Action or Taxation: The French Fiscal Challenge co-edited with Philippe Lacoude, Editions Slatkine, Geneva, 450 pages (in French).
Book Reviews and Review-Essays
October 2018: “The Battle for the Essence of Entrepreneurship – Review Essay on Nicolai J. Foss and Peter G. Klein’s Organizing Entrepreneurial Judgment: A New Approach to the Firm,” Cambridge University Press, 2014, The Review of Austrian Economics, 31, 123-139.
September 2015: The Rediscovery of Classical Economics by David Simpson, Edward Elgar, 2013, The Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 37(3), 476-81.
December 2007: The Entrepreneurial Imperative by Carl J. Schramm, Harper Collins, 2006, The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, 57 (10), 37-8.
August 2005: Schumpeter’s Market: Enterprise and Evolution by David Reisman, Edward Elgar, 2004, EH.Net.
March 2002: The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses by Amar V. Bhidé, Oxford University Press, 1999, The Review of Austrian Economics, 15 (1), 97-102.
November 2001: The Driving Force of the Market by Israel Kirzner, Routledge, 2000, The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, 51 (11), 55-6.