“Serving people is what makes you happy.” - Peter Rex
On Tuesday, September 17, 2019, the Busch School of Business hosted the Founder and CEO of Rex Teams, Peter Rex, for the first CEO lecture of the year. Peter has a proven track record, turning a sole proprietor-bootstrapped real estate investment business into a $1.5bn integrated investment and operations company with over 300 employees across the U.S..
Speaking to the Busch School of Business students, Rex focused his lecture on three ideas—why, what, and how of entreprenuership. Rex approached the students with genuine authenticity in telling his career journey. He opened up with his college story. “Coming out of college,” Rex said, “I was completely lost. I had no clue what I wanted to do, but after a lot of praying, it was confirmed that I was going to be the biggest in business.” Resonating with many students in the crowd, Rex further explained his journey.
Point One—The Why
According to Rex, the why in life is the ultimate why, or the overall purpose in one’s life. During college, he struggled to find his vocation. From seminary to public service to business, it was not a clear cut road for Rex. Although, throughout his discernment journey, he was certain about one thing. He understood that serving people was his purpose and ultimate why in life. “Serving people is what makes you happy” said Rex. He applied his ultimate why into every aspect of his life moving forward, especially in discovering his vocation.
Point Two —The What
Often times, people say to think bigger. Rex advises to think "biggest". Thinking biggest, is an evolutionary way of thinking. It's focused on explanding your horizons and continually thinking bigger. It was during his time of thinking biggest where he discovered his vocation.
Point Three —The How
Closing his lecture, Rex stressed the importance of integrity and character. Each and every person should have 100% integrity and 100% character. With these values and humility, one is destined for success. Emphasizing hustle Rex encouraged the students to, "find your way or make one."
Peter Rex is a prime example of how one can live out his faith within his career and keep people at the center.
“Entrepreneurship,” Rex said, “is not about you. It’s about others. If you make it about you, you will not succeed.”
In conclusion Rex encouraged the students to live by these three mantras: Discover your ultimate why, think biggest, and find a way or make one.
Watch the full lecture below and check out Catholic University's independent newspaper, The Tower, for more coverage on Rex's lecture.