Julie Larkin, MSBA '14, was interviewed by the Cardinal Conversations career podcast. Julie is the Founder and Executive Director of Girl Talk. Julie discussed how she started her nonprofit organization while she was a student at Catholic University to deal with issues and anxieties that people face today. She also shared how Catholic University has helped shape her career.
Cardinal Conversations Career Podcast
Cardinal Conversations is a career podcast for the Catholic University community. Every two weeks, alumni share their career stories, helpful advice, and reflections on their time as a student at CatholicU. Through different segments and topics, all Cardinals can find pearls of wisdom to help advance their own careers and grow professionally.
Hosted by:
- Brett LaPrad, M.A. 2019, director of career development and professional networking for the Office of Alumni Engagement
- Ryane Cheatham, associate director, employer relations and assessment for the Center for Academic and Career Success