Professor Andreas Widmer, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and the director of the Art & Carlyse Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship, wrote an article on the 50th anniversary of the commercial introduction of cellphones for Acton Institute's Religion & Liberty Online.
"One can discern five significant, positive benefits of putting cellphones into the hands of the poor. First, it improves people’s lives, as they are better able to keep in touch with friends and family. Second, it allows a user to accomplish more in less time, allowing her to earn more by making her more efficient. Third, higher earnings allow her to pay for the cellphone service, and this connectivity makes it possible for commercial ventures to take root and prosper. Fourth, higher earnings of individual consumers add up, giving rise to higher GDP for the country. Fifth, the higher incomes spent on other consumer goods gives rise to entrepreneurs who meet the rising demand. This is the way of economic progress in developing countries."
Read the full article, "50 Years On, Cellphones Have Shown the Way for Inclusive Global Progress."