Aidan Harrigan is a Management and Sales student from Ronkonkoma, NY. He shares why he chose to attend Catholic University and the Busch School, and what advice he has for prospective students.
Why did you choose to attend Catholic University and the Busch School?
"I chose to attend Catholic University and the Busch School because of its many opportunities and successes. The internship opportunities in the Busch School are everywhere, and the connections the Busch School has are there to ensure your success when you graduate from Catholic."
What's been your favorite part of being a student at Catholic University?
"I've really enjoyed the many events and things to do around campus. There is always something going on if you look for it. Even when there isn't an event you want to do, you can always spend a night playing games or watching a movie with friends. There is never a dull moment at Catholic University!"
What advice would you give to prospective students?
"Find your people! Join clubs, join sports, and talk to new people. Beginning college can be tough as it may be hard to find your friends at first. Catholic helps this with its orientation events and its Learning Communities. Don't be afraid to go up to someone new and introduce yourself. You never know, that person you decided to sit with at dinner could end up being your best friend for life."