October 06, 2023
Students in lecture room

Lessons Learned from Prominent Business Leaders: Frank Hanna and Pat Cipollone

In the world of business, where competition is fierce and the pursuit of profit often takes center stage, it's easy to overlook the importance of friendship. After all, isn't business primarily about numbers, strategies, and bottom lines? While these aspects certainly play a significant role, fostering and maintaining real friendships within the business world can be just as vital to one’s success. In this article, we explore the virtue of friendship and highlight insights from Frank Hanna and Pat Cipollone regarding their friendship in business. 

1. Trust and Reliability
Friendship is built on a foundation of trust, and this trust can extend into your business relationships. When you have friends in the business world, you know you can rely on them to keep their word, honor agreements, and act in your best interest. Trust is the cornerstone of successful collaborations and partnerships, making it easier to navigate business transactions. This trust also indicates our intention with one another, which is a significant factor in maintaining our friendships, especially when our lives become busy. For example, Pat and Frank often find themselves trying to find an excuse to get together, even with the busiest of schedules. 

2. Open Communication
Good communication is the heart of any successful business and relationship. Friendships in business often lead to more open and honest conversations. When you have a genuine connection with someone, you're more likely to share your thoughts, concerns, and ideas without fear of judgment. You are more open to challenge one another on your thought process, which allows us to think differently through a new perspective. Frank Hanna commented, “It is amazing how much you can disagree with someone knowing how much they love and care about you.” This kind of communication can lead to better problem-solving, innovative solutions, and stronger teamwork. 

3. Emotional Support
The world of business can be emotionally challenging, with its highs and lows. Friends in business provide a valuable support system during tough times. They can offer encouragement, lend a sympathetic ear, and help you navigate the inevitable setbacks and disappointments. Having emotional support from friends can prevent burnout and keep you motivated to pursue your goals. 

“Everything is a gift and given to you for a purpose. God puts people around you to help you” - Pat Cipollone 

4. Personal Fulfillment
Business isn't just about making money; it's also about finding personal fulfillment and satisfaction. Friendships in business can enrich your life in ways that extend beyond workplace activities. Sharing successes and celebrating milestones with friends can bring a sense of joy and fulfillment that goes beyond business achievements.

Both Pat and Frank, stress that relationships are the most important things a person can have in life. It includes a person's relationship with God, their family, and their friends. These relationships enhance communication, provide support, and open doors to new opportunities. Ultimately, cultivating and valuing friendships in business can lead to greater success, both professionally and personally. So, as you navigate the world of business, remember that sometimes the most valuable currency in business is the friendship you build along the way.