January 23, 2024

In the first year of college, students experience a newfound independence, self-discovery, and desire for knowledge. As first-year students begin their journey, they often encounter an unexpected challenge, especially for those studying business, and that is a need for business attire. When entering a business school, students must dress professionally in many settings like for presentations, career fairs, CEO lectures, and interviews. Why do freshmen often struggle to find business professional clothing in their closets? 

This struggle often stems from  three factors:

The Lack of Necessity Before College

Before coming to college, most students rarely needed business attire. In high school, there are typically fewer events where business attire is required. When students are required to dress up, it is often reserved for rare, special occasions. High school dress codes tend to be more casual, or easily managed with uniforms. Many freshmen enter college without an extensive professional closet, especially because they do not have a clear career path in mind, persuading them to think that business attire is an unnecessary expense.

Lack of Awareness About Personal Branding

Another significant factor is the lack of awareness about the importance of personal branding. Personal branding is “the process of defining and promoting what you stand for as an individual.” This image can significantly impact future career opportunities– positively or negatively. Many first-years may not fully grasp how vital it is to establish a professional image from the very beginning of their college experience.

The Cost of Business Attire

Business attire can be extremely expensive. The “broke college student” stereotype is a reality because students face numerous financial responsibilities they have not previously had to manage such as textbooks, housing, and tuition. Spending money on a business wardrobe is often more difficult when financial resources are allocated towards larger priorities.

The Solution

If you are a first-year student at The Catholic University of America in the Busch School of Business and struggle to expand your professional wardrobe, check out Cardinal Closet located in Gibbons Hall B17. Cardinal Closet is a student-led, free thrift store open three days a week. Its goal is to provide students the opportunity to support a fully sustainable clothing business. It has evolved its business from a model in which students could donate any number of clothing items and take the same number of items back with them. Now, because of so many generous donations, the closet runs with “no trade necessary” policies. Although donations are always welcome, if you are in a pinch for an upcoming presentation and need a new blouse, or are on a tight budget and need to upgrade your tie or blazer collection at no cost to you, check out Cardinal Closet!