February 21, 2024

Abby Monaco '23 graduated with a degree in Accounting and is currently a Risk Consulting Associate at RSM US LLP. She shares her experiences as a student-athlete and her journey from campus life to the corporate world.

Why did you choose to attend the Busch School at The Catholic University of America?

I chose to attend the Busch School because of the opportunity to pursue a rigorous courseload while being able to play lacrosse. I was also drawn to the Busch School because of the success of recent accounting program graduates.

What were some highlights of your time in the Busch School and at Catholic University?

Some of the highlights at Catholic University include winning two Landmark Championships as a member of the women's lacrosse team.

What have you enjoyed most about working in your position?

I have enjoyed getting to work in a team in my day-to-day responsibilities. I have also enjoyed gaining exposure to various industries that I find interesting.

What advice do you have for prospective students?

Utilize all the resources available to you at Catholic. Reach out to older students to help you as well!