February 14, 2024
As we gather in the season of Lent, a time of reflection, repentance, and preparation for Easter, the air is filled with anticipation and introspection. Our recent Lent lecture featured Professor Radich delving into the essence of Lent, discussing its significance beyond mere abstinence and fasting. The discussion was an exploration into the depths of sacrifice and the promise of resurrection.
One reflection during this talk is that "Love lives on sacrifice. What are we willing to sacrifice vs who are we willing to sacrifice." This statement summarizes the essence of Lent—a period where we contemplate the depths of love and the sacrifices it entails. It makes us ponder not only the sacrifices we make for our own growth and spiritual journey but also the sacrifices we are called to make for the betterment of others. Lent becomes a communal journey toward compassion and empathy.
Moreover, one cannot delve into the conversation of Lent without contemplating its ultimate culmination—the resurrection. "Lent is focusing on resurrection. It is about the joy of the resurrection." This reminds us that Lent is a journey that leads us through Good Friday to Easter Sunday—a testament to the enduring power of hope and renewal.
In its essence, Lent invites us to confront our vulnerabilities, embrace our humanity, and reaffirm our faith in the promise of resurrection. 
Attend the next Lent Lecture