March 20, 2024

Dean Cannizzaro's recent Lent Lecture served as a reminder of the significance of the practice of fasting. Delving into three key areas of why we fast, how we act with fasting, and personal reflection– he highlights the power of fasting in different ways.

Dean Cannizzaro emphasized that fasting is more than an abstention from food; it is a renunciation of one's own defects. 

The effects of fasting extend beyond physical, transcending into changes within us. Dean Cannizzaro discussed how fasting can lead to an increase in lifespan, hormonal changes, and improvements in mental clarity, attention, and focus. By abstaining from physical nourishment, we nourish our minds and bodies on a deeper level.

Furthermore, fasting facilitates a journey towards inner spiritual growth. It fosters detachment from materialistic pursuits, allowing individuals to refocus on nourishment. 

Contemplation emerged as another crucial aspect of fasting—a preparation that cleanses the soul and elevates the mind. Through practices of penance and temperance, fasting kindles the light within us, guiding us toward a greater understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.