The Institute for Human Ecology (IHE) hosted a thought-provoking panel discussion centered around Dr. Andrew Yuengert’s latest book, “Catholic Social Teaching in Practice: Exploring Practical Wisdom and the Virtues Tradition.” Dr. Yuengert, the Blanche E. Seaver Chair of Social Science at Pepperdine Univeristy, delves into the significance of practical wisdom and virtue within the framework of Catholic Social Teaching. The panel included Andrew Abela, Joseph Capizzi, and Father Gregory Pine, O.P. where they illuminate key insights from Dr. Yuengert’s work.
Dr. Yuengert’s book explains four crucial implications of practical wisdom within Catholic Social Teaching, offering a comprehensive perspective on its application in today’s society.
- Personalist Vision of Society: Practical wisdom demands a personalist vision of society at every level, emphasizing the inherent dignity of each individual.
- Centrality of the Laity: Highlighting the centrality to the Church’s social mission, practical wisdom underscores the active involvement of laypeople in promoting justice and fostering solidarity
- Integration of Social Analysis: Dr Yuengert’s exploration prompts a reevaluation of the Church’s approach to social analysis, advocating for collaboration with social science and public policy research to address contemporary challenges effectively.
- Navigating Political Disagreement: Practical wisdom provides a framework for navigating political disagreement within the Church regarding the application of Catholic social teaching.
Dr. Yuengert calls upon us to harness practical wisdom as a guiding principle for social analysis and action. By grounding our understanding of Catholic social teaching in the tradition of the virtues, we bridge the gap between theory and practice, transforming abstract ideals into tangible realities. Practical wisdom challenges us to embody the principles of justice, solidarity, and compassion in our everyday lives, inspiring us to be a part of a positive change in the social order.
As the panel highlighted: “Maintaining the rights of all individuals involved is important when it comes to being successful– that leads to a fulfilling life. Putting human decency at the center of every situation brings a new form of practical wisdom.”
Reflecting on the insights from Dr. Yuengert's book and the panel discussion allows us to embrace the call to cultivate practical wisdom in a more just and humane society.