April 29, 2024

Briefly describe your business.

“At Lopietri LLC, we invest in real estate opportunities located in the area of Denver, Colorado. Our mission revolves around acquiring small-scale properties, typically with no more than four rooms, in neighborhoods characterized by Class B and below. 

We use the 'KIS' principle (keep it simple).  Our approach is simple yet effective: we flip small properties,  Once we identify promising properties, we gather investment and renovate. Our team ensures that each renovation is completed within a time frame of 4 to 6 months, optimizing efficiency without compromising quality.

Following the renovation phase, we collaborate with trusted third-party partners to facilitate the seamless sale of our properties.

In essence, Lopietri LLC offers investors the opportunity to participate in small real estate  opportunities, in a small period of time.”

What inspired you to start your own business?

“I was not financially where I wanted to be, I had a lot of friends and family in the industry and the opportunity was honestly almost given to me after my cousin told me about his experience after several years of working with him as an unofficial intern.”

Are there any resources or tools that you found particularly helpful in your entrepreneurial journey?

“The people with experience from the industry, I had a lot of friends and family members involved in this market so I was able to always have someone to clear my questions with. The experience was also very if not the most helpful tool, before starting Lopietri LLC I had been involved in the small housing market for quite some time, I was not getting paid or anything I was just hanging out with friends and family and I was observing, listening and asking questions. Use professional help.”

What advice would you give to students who are considering starting their own businesses?

“Instead of trying to handle everything alone, seek assistance from experienced individuals. Share your ideas with trusted experts who have years of experience; they possess valuable knowledge and can help you overcome challenges they've already faced. Tackle one problem at a time... Love the process as much as you love the destination.”