July 18, 2024

Super Habits

By: Dr. Andrew Abela

I am delighted to announce that Sophia Press will be publishing my new book, Super Habits, this Fall. Using extensive empirical research, the book makes the case, through a series of engaging and heart-warming stories, that the ancient Roman and Greek virtues are a type of “superpower habit” that can enhance human performance and happiness significantly.

Here’s a kind endorsement from Arthur Brooks, part of which graces the top of the front cover:

“A rich blend of social science and ancient wisdom, Andrew Abela’s Super Habits shows how strengthening our virtues leads to well-being. This beautiful book is a must-read for anyone in pursuit of the better life.” 

Arthur C. Brooks, Harvard Professor and #1 New York Times bestselling author

The folks at Sophia Press really know how to hustle, so you can already pre-order the book from their website, or from Amazon.

I confess that this is a very emotional moment for me, to be making this announcement. In a sense, I’ve been writing this book my entire adult life, and I am filled with gratitude to be able to share it. I’m a little choked up right now, so I’ll stop here. I’ll have more to say about the book in the coming days.