Nina Cipollone and Elizabeth Swenby are Junior Marketing students at the Busch School. With a passion for fashion, they founded the Fashion Club at The Catholic University of America.
What interested you in starting a fashion club?
"We were interested in starting a fashion club here at CUA because we wanted people to have an outlet to express themselves and learn about their styles creatively. We wanted to help others learn more about the fashion world."
How did you (Nina) become interested in Fashion Marketing?
"I have been interested in fashion ever since I was young. I have always loved to read Vogue and learn about fashion design. I became interested in fashion marketing in Professor Bonetti's Fashion Marketing elective sophomore year. I loved taking this class and it made me realize I wanted to work in fashion marketing."
What is your vision for the club (i.e. speakers, events, etc.)?
"My vision for the club is to have lots of crafting events such as learning how to crochet or embroider. I also want to have speakers who have worked in fashion come and speak about how to get jobs, what it is like to work in that environment, and their life experiences. "
How will the Fashion Marketing Club add value to the Busch School's many extracurricular offerings?
"This club will add to the Busch school's extracurricular activities because it opens up a club for business school students who have a creative side and want to expand their knowledge of fashion. This could also help people see if they would want to work in fashion or the arts in the future. "
Who have been some of your Busch School mentors during the launch of this club?
"My mentor for this club is Professor Bonetti. She helped Elizabeth and I start the club and realize we wanted to create a club like this at CUA."