Emma Dodson, CatholicU '21, is an International Economics and Finance major from Cary, NC. She accepted a job as a Commercial Account Manager with VMware. Below, Emma shares her experiences in the Busch School and at Catholic University:
Briefly describe your new job opportunity.
"As a Commercial Account Manager with VMware, I will be held accountable for closing sales and placing orders typically generated outreach or referrals. I will be responsible for delivering a positive customer experience via our sales model, while maximizing revenue and margin generation. This is an opportunity for me to gain meaningful experience in both sales and technology all while expanding my network in the software industry. "
How did your Busch School and Catholic University education help you find this career path?
"Catholic University as a whole has provided me with a well-rounded education that has taught me the value of critically thinking, problem solving, and being a life long learner. Working closely with the Busch School faculty was pivotal to my future career. Being surrounded by individuals who helped me land internships, attend events during the school year, and teach important lessons for a successful career made landing a dream job that much easier. I owe this achievement to The Department of Economics, The Busch School of Business, and most importantly The Director of the Sales Program, Mark Weber."
What activities were you involved in during undergrad?
"I was a teaching assistant for 3 classes and Assistant to the Director of the Sales Program for almost three years. I have participated in Undergraduate Research, the Deans Student Advisory Council, many intramural sports, Campus Ministry Homeless Food Runs, and much more."
What were some highlights of your time at Catholic University?
"I have had many highlights throughout my time at CUA but I would say one of the best experiences I had was winning the university wide sales competition which was awarded with a trip to Atlanta, Georgia to compete in the National Collegiate Sales Competition.
Another highlight of my experience at Catholic was my time studying abroad in Rome, Italy. Having the opportunity to travel to the capital city of our faith with fellow CUA students was something I will never forget. It opened my eyes to many wonders of our world and being able to share it with new and old friends was truly a gift."
What advice do you have for students during their job search?
"The job search does not begin a few months before graduation. The job search starts at the beginning of college. Being in DC is a tremendous advantage because there are countless opportunities for internships from freshman to senior year. Internships are a great way to find what you like and what you dislike, all while gaining experience that will show future employers you know what you want by the time graduation rolls around. So my advice to all students is to start the job search as early as you can and try as many roles as you can until you find what you love."