Mari Nicole Rosales, CatholicU '21, is a Strategy, Management, and Operations major. Below, she shares her experiences of her time studying abroad in Southampton, UK.
Why did you want to study abroad?
"I studied abroad because I wanted to immerse myself into a different culture and education system! I really value different ways of learning, and I knew that studying abroad would challenge myself."
What was your favorite experience while studying abroad?
"Through the University of Southampton's Catholic Society, I made some really great friends! There were many other international and local students, so I got to meet people from all around the world. Getting to go to Mass with them every Sunday and eat dinner afterwards was one of my favorite experiences."
How were you able to immerse yourself in the culture of the country you studied in?
"Through the friends I made in CathSoc, I would always ask them what they did on the weekends and where I should go. They even wanted to tag along with me to play tourist! Since it was also obvious I was an American student, everyone was really welcoming and helped me learn more about British culture."
How were you able to balance your travels with your academics?
"The education system was incredibly different in the UK, so I didn't have homework on a weekly basis. Because of this, I knew how to prioritize the different larger assignments I had, so I could travel when I had the opportunity!"
What advice do you have for future students?
"Studying abroad can definitely be scary, but it was one of the most life-changing experiences. I learned and grew so much, and while it was short-lived, I enjoyed every single second. Take that fear you may be experiencing and use it to push yourself--it all pays off!"