Clare Gorman, CatholicU '23, is a Marketing and Sales student from Buffalo, NY. She accepted a job as a B-Launch Sales Associate at Bloomberg Industry Group.
Briefly describe your new job opportunity.
"Upon graduation, I will be joining the B-Launch Sales Program at Bloomberg Industry Group in Arlington, VA where I will receive in depth-sales training in Bloomberg’s News Platform while getting hands on cold calling and sales experience."
How did your Busch School and Catholic University education help you find this career path?
"The Busch School Career Development Office and the Busch School Sales Program have been crucial in guiding me in my career journey and in eventually helping me to get a full-time offer at Bloomberg. I have received invaluable assistance in job-searching, interview preparation, and career counseling through the 99 courses and one-on-one coaching. I have also developed incredible relationships with professors at the Busch School like Professor Weber who gave me a personal recommendation at Bloomberg."
What activities were you involved in during undergrad?
"Professionally, I have interned at the Busch School Career Development Office for two years as their marketing intern and worked as a Channel Sales Intern at NetApp this past summer. On campus, I am part of Busch School Mentors, Phi Eta Sigma Honors Society, and Leo Honors Society. I was formerly Vice President of Kappa Tau Gamma and Vice President of She’s the First."
What were some highlights of your time at Catholic University?
"One of my favorite parts about my time at Catholic has been my role as the Marketing Intern at the Career Development Office. It has been incredibly fulfilling to be able to provide personalized help and career coaching to students to help them find their passion while at the Busch School. There is such an incredible network of people that want nothing more than to help you succeed and being behind the scenes of that really shows you how much the Busch School employees care about the students.
One of my favorite events here at Catholic is Parents' Weekend. For our senior year especially, my parents and all of my friends' parents came down for Parents' Weekend and we had a huge tailgate for the football game with food and games. We got to mingle and have so much fun with everyone’s families and it really highlights the community that is created after being at Catholic for four years."
What advice do you have for students during their job search?
"Apply as early as possible; I decided to begin applying for jobs in September of my senior year with the help of the CD Office and the Sales Program and it was the best decision I could have made. I was able to have a full-time offer from Bloomberg in the beginning of November and it has been such a weight off of my shoulders, allowing me to relax and have fun in my final semester.
Another crucial piece of advice in job searching is to make sure that you are asking lots of questions. You are interviewing the person and the company as much as they are interviewing you, so make sure you are not just focused on making the person like you, but if you actually like the company and can see yourself enjoying working there."