Liz Gorman, CatholicU '23, is a Marketing and Sales student from Pittsburgh, PA. She accepted a job as an Account Manager at Dell Technologies.
Briefly describe your new job opportunity.
"I received my job offer after successfully completing my summer internship with Dell Technologies. I cultivated great relationships with company mentors, coaches, and coworkers throughout my internship. I thoroughly enjoyed my internship and learning about high-tech sales with Dell which ultimately confirmed my decision for wanting to come back. I had the opportunity to experience the company's culture firsthand which was a huge deciding factor when thinking about jobs after graduation. Overall, I couldn't have asked for a better experience and I am thrilled to be joining Dell Technologies again."
How did your Busch School and Catholic University education help you find this career path?
"Dell Technologies had held informational zooms and my professors had connections with prior Catholic University students who currently work for Dell. I was then put in contact with these connections to allow me to apply for the internship."
What activities were you involved in during undergrad?
"I was involved in Catholic University Women's Soccer, and I was a Sales Ambassador."
What were some highlights of your time at Catholic University?
"Some of my highlights during my time at Catholic include the time I've spent with my soccer team along with the volunteering opportunities our team participated in."
What advice do you have for students during their job search?
"Alumni and professors at Catholic are here to help you! Do not be afraid to reach out to your connections because they were in your position at some point. As a campus community, people want to help a fellow Cardinal out."