Megan Schuette, CatholicU '23, is an Accounting student from McLean, VA. She accepted a job as a Tax Associate at KPMG.
Briefly describe your new job opportunity.
"I will be working as a tax accountant in Raleigh doing the taxes for various partnerships and corporations."
How did your Busch School and Catholic University education help you find this career path?
"It was the combination of my career advisor handing my resume out to different accounting firms and the fact that Catholic University's courses are created to help us learn the material for life instead of for the next test."
What activities were you involved in during undergrad?
"I was a the treasurer and a forward for the CUA Women's Rugby team."
What were some highlights of your time at Catholic University?
"My highlights were meeting new people around campus and growing in my faith. Village of Lights is always fun to be at and so is Cardinal Fest. Wednesday night adoration was often times the highlight of my week."
What advice do you have for students during their job search?
"Talk to people. It might sound cheesy, but it is really important. The professors know a lot of people and are always willing to help you find the right person to talk to. Also, be kind to everyone. Kindness speaks louder than any other action."