Ben Roat, MSB '24, was an undergraduate Politics major at CUA. Ben used the MSB program as a stepping stone for his career path with the U.S. Navy. Ben currently works as a NAVSEA Logistics Management Specialist.

How did the MSB Program help you find and choose this career path?

"I thoroughly enjoyed the classes when it came to operations and quantitative analysis. This made me realize I wanted to focus my career aspirations on the operations side of government."

Why did you choose to attend the Master of Science in Business degree?

"Applying to the federal government for a job is a long and challenging process. I was looking for a way to distinguish myself amongst my peers. The MSB program was the perfect avenue to do so. I was able to get a masters in an expedited timeframe and have the relevant experience to qualify for jobs not covered by an undergrad degree in Political Science."

What were some highlights of your time with the program?

"There are many great opportunities in the program like Company Week and Thirsty Thursdays, however hearing from the faculty is a unique opportunity. I enjoyed talking to the faculty in and outside the classroom, hearing their thoughts and perspectives as well as their career journeys. Any MSB student should take advantage of the opportunities to interact with the faculty."