The Academic Services team's mission is to empower every student for academic success by timely and intentional connections to advisors and resources. Here are some common questions and answers from the Academic Services team:
- Who is my advisor? Your advisor is listed on Cardinal Success, see here.
- How do I schedule an appointment with my Faculty Advisor/Academic Services? In order to schedule an appointment with your Faculty Advisor or with Academic Services, please go to Cardinal Success, see tutorial here.
- I have a hold on my account. What should I do? To view holds on your account, please visit Cardinal Station, see tutorial here. The reason for this hold will depend on the office that placed it. To determine which office(s) placed the hold(s), select the details hyperlink in the Holds box. On the subsequent page, select the hyperlinked code for each hold to view details including the specific office you need to contact to resolve that hold.
- Head over to our FAQ page to find answers to other questions.
Pop-Up Advising
Marie Fitzpatrick is hosting In-Person Pop-Up Advising throughout the month of September during the following hours:
- Tuesdays from 12:00 - 3:00 PM
- Thursdays from 12:00 - 3:00 PM