Students can find answers to questions listed below! Make sure to look at the “Last Updated” section to ensure your information is up to date and accurate.

Academic Planning Worksheet (APW)/ Degree Audit

  • How do I read my Academic Planning Worksheet?

    Your academic planning worksheet (APW) is designed to reflect all of your progress towards graduation in a simple, easy to read one page document.     

    • Courses shaded blue are courses you have taken and passed with the minimum grade required to satisfy the degree requirement.
    • Courses shaded yellow are the courses in which you are currently enrolled.
    • Courses that are not shaded still need to be completed.
    • Note the date stamp on the bottom of your sheet. Any changes you have made in Cardinal Station after this date are not reflected on this sheet. Students will be notified when updates are made, typically once each semester, soon after the add/drop deadline.
    • The full list of degree requirements can be found on the Academic Services webpage. Please keep in mind that it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that you have met all of the degree requirements for graduation by comparing these with the courses you have taken, are currently taking this semester and plan to take next semester or in the summer.

    Last Updated: June 2024

  • What if my APW is different from the Advisement Report on Cardinal Station?

    We are aware of issues with the Advisement Report, which is generated by Enrollment Services. We apologize, but for now it is not a reliable resource for business major degree requirements. It may be useful in tracking requirements if you are completing a minor. Please refer to the Academic Planning Worksheet, not the advisement report, for your degree status. 

    Last Updated: June 2024

  • I can’t make any changes to the sheet I was emailed. Can I edit my APW?

    • You only have View Access to your sheet. 
    • Please make a copy of this sheet by selecting File> Make a Copy in Google Sheets so you can fill in planned courses and use this document when you meet with your advisor.
    Last Updated: October 2023
  • What if the specializations listed on my sheet are incorrect or my expected grad term is incorrect?

    • The information provided on the APW is based on the information listed for your record in Cardinal Station.
    • To request a change, you can update your expected graduation date or specialization by completing the appropriate form on our Forms and Requests page.
    • Note the date stamp on the bottom of your sheet. Any changes you requested or made in Cardinal Station after this date are not reflected on this sheet. 
    Last Updated: October 2023
  • How do I interpret the Foreign Language Placement fields?

    • A score of Placement Level 1 means that you should enroll in the 101 level of the foreign language.
    • A score of Placement Level 2 means that you should enroll in the 102 level of the foreign language, and have satisfied the 101 requirement.
    • A score of Placement Level 3 means that you should enroll in the 103 level of the foreign language, and have satisfied the 101 and 102 requirements.
    • A score of Placement Level 4 means that you should enroll in the 104 level of the foreign language and have satisfied the 101-103 requirements.
    • A score of Placement Level 5 means that you have fulfilled the foreign language requirement and may take other courses or electives toward the 120 credit requirement.
    • If your score is not reflected in the sheet or the score is incorrect, please contact the Department of Modern Foreign Languages.
    Last Updated: October 2023
  • What if I don’t see transfer credit for a course I took at another university?

    • The information provided on the APW is based on the information listed for your record in Cardinal Station.
    • If a transfer course you took is not on the planning worksheet, please contact the Transfer Credit Office directly. Our office is not able to record transfer credits.
    Last Updated: October 2023
  • What if I don’t see a previously-approved substitution (by a dean or area director) on my sheet?

    • The information provided on the APW is based on the information listed for your record in Cardinal Station.
    • If the substitution was previously-approved, please complete this form.
    Last Updated: October 2022
  • What if all of my Career Discernment exemptions are not listed on my Academic Planning Worksheet?

    • If you entered the Busch School after freshman year, please complete the Course Exemption form for the Career Discernment courses for which you are exempt.
    Last Updated: October 2022
  • I have a double/triple specialization. Why are some courses shaded red?

    Tutorial on Resolving Double-Counting Courses Across Specializations
    • Some students with double or triple specializations take specialization courses that could potentially double count. These courses are highlighted in red. 
    • Please note that you are only permitted to overlap one course if you choose to double- or triple- specialize:
      • For example, MGT 311 may triple count between Sports Management, HR Management and Sales. 
      • If you choose to triple specialize in Sports Management, Sales, and Marketing. You may not choose MGT 311 to double count between your Sports Management and Sales specializations and MKT 422 to double count between your Marketing and Sales specializations.
    • We ask that you indicate which course you have chosen to double count between the two/three specializations by completing the Course Substitution form. (See tutorial here)
    Last Updated: October 2023
  • Why are not the degree requirements for my non-business minor reflected on the sheet?

    This sheet does not reflect degree requirements for non-business minors. Please contact your minor school to ensure you are on track to meet the requirements by graduation.

    Last Updated: October 2023


  • I don’t know who my faculty advisor is. Where can I find out?

    You can view your advisors in Cardinal Success or Cardinal Station (see tutorial here).

    Last Updated: October 2023

  • How do I schedule an appointment with my Faculty Advisor/Academic Services?

    In order to schedule an appointment with your Faculty Advisor or with Academic Services, please go to Cardinal Success (see tutorial here). 

    Last Updated: October 2023

  • I have a hold on my account. What should I do?

    To view holds on your account, please visit Cardinal Station (see tutorial here). The reason for this hold will depend on the office that placed it. To determine which office(s) placed the hold(s), select the details hyperlink in the Holds box. On the subsequent page, select the hyperlinked code for each hold to view details including the specific office you need to contact to resolve that hold. 

    Last Updated: October 2023

  • Where can I go for support beyond academic and career advising?

    You can always visit the Counseling Center in person (call 202-319-5765 or drop in to schedule).

    For greater flexibility, you can also use the TimelyCare app.  TimelyCare provides free, 24/7 virtual care to promote general well-being, including issues related to stress or anxiety, life transitions, substance abuse, relationship issues and beyond. 

    Use the following instructions to get access:

    1. Go to TimelyCare app.
    2. Log in with your school email address.
    3. Fill out the information (TimelyCare is confidential, secure, and HIPAA compliant).
    4. Click "Get Care."
    5. Don't need a visit right away? Check out their Self-Care tab.

    If you have trouble logging in, call 1-833-4-TIMELY for assistance.

    You can find more resources on the CUA Counseling Center website

Courses & Registration

  • How do I register/add/drop/swap courses or join a waitlist in Cardinal Station?

    You can enroll in classes, drop classes you’re currently enrolled in, swap courses, or join a waitlist on Cardinal Station. Follow the tutorials below for additional instructions.

    Before Registration, Validate Your Shopping Cart to view whether or not you will be able to register on your enrollment date! 

    Additionally, you can use Cardinal Station to plan courses out in advance (see tutorial here). Students can use Coursicle to create a weekly schedule (see tutorial here). View your class schedule in Cardinal Station (see tutorial here).

    Last Updated: October 2022

  • Enrollment error messages: Holds, prerequisite issues, department consent, permissions and validating your cart.

    If you receive an error when you try to validate or register for a class:

    Ensure you do not have any holds on your account (see tutorial here). 

    Check the course prerequisites and compare with your Academic Planning Worksheet (you can cover over the cells listing courses to see their prerequisites). If you have not completed the prerequisite courses or have not completed enough credits for the required class standing, pick another course for which you meet the prerequisite.

    If the course requires department consent, or you are requesting permission for a course for a BA in Business or business minor: for business courses, use the  Class Registration Help Form

    For department consent for non-business courses: contact the appropriate department, listed here.

    Tip: Before Registration, Validate Your Shopping Cart to view whether or not you will be able to register on your enrollment date! 

    Last Updated: June 2024

  • How do I check the date I can register for courses?

    Your enrollment date is dependent on your number of credits. Please log into Cardinal Station to check your enrollment date (see tutorial here). 

    Last Updated: June 2024

  • How do I view my exam schedule and resolve any exam conflicts?

    You can view your exam schedule on Cardinal Station (see tutorial here). You should confirm with your individual instructors the details of your final exam. The University also posts a Final Exam Schedule online. 

    Final exam conflicts occur only when a student has two or more exams scheduled for the same time, if the student has three or more exams scheduled on the same day. For non-academic conflicts or any other reason: students may request accommodation directly from the instructor, and the decision is at the instructor's discretion. 

    For any official exam conflicts, follow the process below: 

    • Students should review and follow the procedure outlined in Section II: Policy of the University Final Exam Policy. For the purposes of summary only, please view the following unofficial steps: 
    • Students should notify their Academic Dean no later than fourteen calendar days before the last day of class. 
      • In the case of a serious illness or family emergency on the date of the scheduled final exam(s), the student should immediately notify their Academic Dean and the Dean of Students
      • Students representing the University in athletic or other events during finals week must work with the Athletics Department and Associate Dean to deal with any conflicts. 
    • The Academic Dean will work with the student and instructor to reschedule the exam(s) for the course with the lowest enrollment. 

      Last Updated: June 2024
  • How do I take my comprehensive assessment? What is BUS 498 and ACCT 498?

    B.S.B.A. students will complete their comprehensive assessments as part of the coursework for MGT 475: Business Strategy, the senior capstone course. The grade will be recorded in the course BUS 498: Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination; this course is solely a placeholder for the grade, and does not meet for classes. 

    When registering for courses, B.S.B.A. students must register for both MGT 475 and BUS 498 at the same time. Cardinal Station will not allow students to register for the course unless registering concurrently. 

    B.S. in Accounting students will complete an oral comprehensive assessment completed through registration in ACCT 498: Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination. B.S. in Accounting students will also complete MGT 475: Business Strategy, but can complete the two courses separately. When registering for ACCT 498, students should contact the Accounting Area Director for department consent. 

    Last Updated: October 2023

  • How many courses can I take per semester? Can I overelect?

    The graph below outlines full-time course loads, normal course loads, overelecting, and superelecting. 


    Credit Hours Typical Course Load
    Minimum Full-Time 12 or more ~4
    Normal 15-17 ~5
    Overelecting 18-20 ~6
    Superelecting (cum GPA <3.7) 21+ ~7

    Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher at the end of the previous semester will be automatically given permission to over-elect for the upcoming semester.

    Request to Overelect: If you achieved a semester GPA of 3.0 in the previous term, you may request permission to overelect.

    Request to Superelect: If you have a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher, you may complete the Special Academic Request form. 

    Last Updated: June 2024

  • Can I borrow a laptop to use for class?

    Students may check out laptops from the Dean of Students office on the 3rd floor of the Pryzbyla Center, Suite 353, during business hours, typically Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.

Programs and Degree Requirements

  • What is a specialization (major)? What are the specialization options? When do I have to declare my specialization?

    Specializations effectively take the place of a student’s major. All students in the B.S.B.A. program will specialize in at least one area (see specialization options and requirements on the Degree Requirements page). Use the tutorial to view your majorspecializationand/or minors on Cardinal Station.

    Students should declare a specialization by the end of their sophomore year (i.e. the completion of 60 credit-hours). To declare a specialization, students submit the form titled “Declare/Change Your Specialization in Business Major.”

    *Students in the B.S. in Accounting program do not complete a specialization, but may complete a Business Minor. To add or remove a minor, use this form.

    Last Updated: June 20204

  • How do I change my specialization?

    Students may request a change of specialization by following the process outlined below.  To see the specialization options with the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, see here.

    • Students should submit the Declare/Change Specialization in Business Major form.
      • When doing so, please be cautious to include your second desired specialization if you intend to double-specialize. 
    • Your request will be processed by Academic Services.  You will receive a confirmation message once the request is processed.  
      • Please note: Changes to your account will appear at the end of the current semester.  Changes requested between semesters should appear immediately after processing. 

    Students are encouraged to double-specialize if interested in more than one area of business. 

    Last Updated: October 2023

  • Am I going to graduate on time?

    Graduation is dependent on you completing all of your degree requirements as listed on the Academic Planning Worksheet emailed to you by Busch Academic Services, and complete at least 120 credits. 

    It is important to meet with your faculty advisor each semester and not delay when registering for your courses. Last Updated: June2024

  • How do I find the number of credits I have completed?

    Each time your Academic Planning Worksheet it updated, it will list the number of credits you have completed. 

    You can also check your earned credits in Cardinal Station at any time (see tutorial here).

  • I need an substitution from a required class. How do I get that approved?

    Only certain courses are eligible to satisfy certain degree requirements. In order to get a substitution or approved, please fill out the Class Substitution Request form.

    When filling out the form please indicate which class you are requesting a substitution for or which requirement you are requesting an adjustment for. 

    Last Updated: June 2024

  • What math courses do I need to take?

    All students must complete two math-related courses as part of the Core Business Curriculum’s Mathematics & Statistics area, and complete the Liberal Arts Curriculum’s Foundations in Mathematical Thinking requirement. See below for details, exceptions, and eligibility. 

    All business students are required to complete the Math Placement Test when entering the University/business school. Exceptions include students entering with Transfer Credits from another University or Advanced Placement (AP) credits (see more details here).

    Core Business Curriculum Math Requirement

    All business students are required to complete either MATH 110 or MATH 111, depending on their program/specialization. See the chart below to determine which class you should take.

    Some students may consider the summer MATH 11 prep course in lieu of MATH 110. It is a 0-credit pass-fail online course, with an associated fee.

    Your Program Your Placement
    MATH 110 (Group 3) MATH 111 (Group 1 or 2)
    B.S. in Accounting, or

    B.S.B.A. w/ Specialization:

    Mathematical Finance
    You should take the MATH 11 prep course over the summer and then enroll in MATH 111. You should enroll and complete MATH 111.
    B.S.B.A. w/ any other specialization: You should enroll and complete MATH 110. You place out of the math requirement.  This requirement becomes a free elective.

     Last Updated: June 2024

  • What foreign language classes do I need to take?

    All students must complete a foreign language through the intermediate (104) level. If you plan to start in LANG 101, you do not need to take a placement test. If a course requires departmental consent, email with your student ID number. 

    If you wish to start LANG 102 or higher, you must complete a Modern Language Placement Test or a Greek or Latin Placement Test to determine which level is appropriate. Required language courses are listed below based on results from the placement test. If you have any questions about the test or results, please contact Dr. Stoyneva ( Further detail is available on the Foreign Language Placement page.

    Students who have obtained Advanced Placement (AP) credits, are already fluent in a foreign language, or have a learning disability that affects foreign language acquisition should review the details at the bottom of the table. 

    LANG 101

    LANG 102

    LANG 103

    LANG 104

    2 Foreign Language Substitution Courses

    Placement of LANG 101





    Not Required

    Placement of LANG 102

    Not Required




    Not Required

    Placement of LANG 103

    Not Required

    Not Required



    Not Required

    Placement of LANG 104

    Not Required

    Not Required

    Not Required


    Not Required

    Fluent in a Foreign Language**

    Potentially Required

    Potentially Required

    Potentially Required

    Potentially Required

    Not Required

    Have a Learning Disability that Affects Foreign Language Acquisition***


    *Advanced Placement (AP) Credits: (see AP and Dual Enrollment Credit document)

    • AP Score of 5 = Credit Fulfilled for LANG 103 and 104; Placement of LANG 204
    • AP Score of 4 = Credit Fulfilled for LANG 103 and 104; Placement of LANG 203
    • AP Score of 3 = Placement of LANG 104; No Credit Granted
    • AP Score of 1 or 2 = Placement of LANG 102 (or 112); No Credit Granted

    **If you are fluent in a foreign language or grew up speaking a foreign language, you will need to complete the Heritage Speakers placement test to place you at the proper level. See Foreign Language Placement information. 

    ***You may be eligible to complete two approved courses in lieu of the intermediate language requirement. The Office of Disability Support Services (DSS) determines eligibility based on an individual’s learning history and documentation of a disability that impairs foreign language acquisition. To see if this is the right option for you, check the DSS page on accommodations.

    Last Updated: October 2022

  • How do I obtain an official or unofficial transcript?

    You can obtain an official or unofficial transcript by requesting one in Cardinal Station. See the tutorials listed below for further instructions: 
    Last Updated: June 2024

Academic Regulations & Processes

  • How do I transfer credits from another university over summer?

    Disclaimer: The University Academic Transfer of Credit Policy determines when credits at other institutions can be substituted for credits at The Catholic University of America. 

    For more information regarding the transfer credit policy and procedure, see the Transfer Credit Office website, or contact them directly: (202)-319-4313 / McMahon Hall B10


    Please follow the Step-by-Step Guide for Individual Off Campus Courses when planning to take a course at another university after you are matriculated at Catholic University. 

    Tips and Key Information:
    • After matriculation, business students cannot take required business and economics courses as transfer courses. This includes all courses with prefixes: ACCT, ECON, ENT, FIN, MGT, MKT, and SRES. Such courses could only count as free electives. 
    • Before registering, students should ensure a course has been evaluated by the Transfer Credit office, to make sure it will count for credit.
    • Students may take up to 2 off-campus transfer courses per summer, and up to 12 credits total over summer (combining courses through Catholic U and off-campus).
    Transfer Students / Transfer Credit from High School

    For questions from  transfer students or questions about high school transfer credit, dual enrollment, AP/IB course credit, or any credit earned BEFORE matriculating at Catholic U, please see the Transfer Credit Office website.

    Last Updated: June 2024

  • What is the Consortium? Can I take a course through the Consortium?

    The Washington Consortium of Universities allows students at Catholic University to take courses at other institutions that are a part of the Consortium, when there are no other options available for a course vital to a student's progress toward graduation.

    The course will count as a Catholic University course (not as a transfer credit). For further information contact the Consortium Coordinator at 202-319-5300 or or use the CUA Consortium Registration Page.

    Students interested in taking courses through the Consortium should follow the process below: 

    • Students are to find a college with their desired course using the CUA Consortium Registration Page.
    • Students must complete both forms: 
    • The student is responsible for obtaining the appropriate academic approvals and returning the forms to the Consortium Coordinator in the Office of Enrollment Services (W200 Fr. O'Connell Hall) prior to Catholic University's add/drop deadline, as indicated on the Academic Calendar.
    • Students should show, but not give, their copy of the Consortium Registration form to the course instructor, and keep their copy.
    Last Updated: June 2024
  • How do I plan to Study Abroad?

  • How do I transfer between schools within Catholic University?

    Process to Leave Busch School
    Process to Join Busch School
    • Submit Transfer between Schools form to your current school’s Dean’s Office, such as Arts and Sciences.
      • Your Dean will submit the form to the Busch School. 
      • The Busch School will approve and submit to Enrollment Services to process.
    • You will receive an email from Academic Services when your paperwork is processed.  This welcome email will include key contact information for the Busch School and a Faculty Advisor.
    • The Assistant Dean must grant approval for students to join the school. 
    Last Updated: June 2024
  • What are the steps to get credit for an internship?

    • To ask to receive credit for an internship you have found, please complete the Internship for Credit Application

      You will need: 

      1. a copy of your offer letter and
      2. an email from your manager/supervisor.

      If your application is approved, you will receive an email granting permission. You will enroll in a course with the number 495 (MGT, FIN, ACCT are some examples) in a term that overlaps with your internship. Please check the start date of the course and make sure to enroll in time.

  • How is my Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated? Where can I view my GPA?

    The Grade Point Average (GPA) is the numerical score of the quality of your academic work.  The University policy on Grades and Academic Standing (Sect. IV) governs the GPA.  A semester GPA is calculated at the end of each semester (summer, fall, and spring).  A cumulative GPA is based on all coursework completed at Catholic University. 

    Grades correspond to the following grade points as detailed in Grades and Academic Standing (Sect. II).





















    You can view your GPA in Cardinal Station (see tutorial here). 

    Last Updated: July 2021

  • Can I repeat a course I’ve already taken?

    Students are allowed to repeat a course, if necessary because they received a failing grade (F or F*) or did not meet the minimum grade requirement (at least a C- for all required business major or minor courses, math courses, ENG 101 and to progress in foreign language courses).

    Transcripts will list every course attempt and associated grade. 

    Repeated courses with an original grade of D/F/F* must be identical in listing, cannot be taken at another institution, and cannot be taken as Pass/Fail. When transfer credit courses taken at other institutions overlap with courses taken at the University, the course is considered to be a repeated course and the student does not receive credit for the course.

    GPA calculations for repeated courses (excluding courses that are deemed repeatable) are based on the following guidelines: 

    • If the original grade was D/F/F*, this grade is no longer included in the cumulative GPA.  The old grade is replaced with the new grade.
    • If the original grade was C- or higher, the two grades are averaged together and included in the cumulative GPA calculation.
    Last Updated: June 2024
  • What are the requirements for Dean’s List and Latin Honors?

    Each semester, students can earn a spot on the Dean’s List based on their GPA from that particular semester. To make Dean’s List a student must complete a minimum of fifteen credit-hours in the single semester. No courses can be repeated, failed, or graded on the basis of pass/fail. The Honors Program boost does not apply in determining Dean's List categories. Students are recognized under the following categories:  

    • Dean’s List: 3.5 - 3.69 GPA
    • Dean’s List with Distinction: 3.7 - 3.89 GPA
    • Dean’s List with Highest Honors: 3.9 - 4.0 GPA
    The University also recognizes academic achievement at graduation by noting a student’s Latin Honors on the transcript and diploma. Students are recognized under the following categories based on their final cumulative GPA. The Honors Program boost applies in determining Latin honors categories. 
    • Cum Laude: 3.5 - 3.69 GPA
    • Magna Cum Laude: 3.7 - 3.89 GPA
    • Summa Cum Laude: 3.9 - 4.0 GPA
    Last Updated: June 2024
  • How do I apply for graduation?

    You can apply for graduation on Cardinal Station (see tutorial here). Academic Services will send out additional communications leading up to graduation to further guide students through the process. 

    Last Updated: June 2024

  • What is needed to walk at graduation?

    Students who have not completed all degree requirements by the end of the spring semester may be eligible to participate in graduation ceremonies, if they have no more than two classes (6 credits) remaining. Busch Academic Services can confirm this possibility for each student.
    Students must apply for graduation listing the summer as their Expected Graduation Term.
    Students will participate in graduation ceremonies, and must complete courses in the summer immediately after graduation:
    • For courses completed off-campus, students must submit transcripts after completing the course. 
    • For Catholic U courses, students should email Academic Services after receiving a final grade. 
    • Academic Services will notify Enrollment Services of graduates.  
    • Enrollment Services will mail diplomas after receiving confirmation from Academic Services.
  • What is required to retain full-time status?

    To maintain full-time status, undergraduate students must be enrolled in at least 12 credits throughout the semester. This status is required for athletic eligibility, on-campus housing and certain financial aid awards

    Some students in their last semester at Catholic U need fewer than 12 credits to meet their degree requirements:

    • If none of the scenarios above apply, they may enroll in fewer than 12 credits and their tuition will be calculated accordingly.
    • Students may still be able to qualify for certain financial aid awards with less than a full-time courseload if it is their last semester. To confirm, contact the Financial Aid office.
    • Athletes in their final semester may be eligible for a NCAA waiver if they can prove they need fewer than 12 credits to graduate. They should ask their coach for guidance. If approved, business students can send the form to for a signature.