A wide selection of minors in business gives students the chance to develop even more valuable skills to complement their major studies. Catholic offers seven minors and one specialization for business students and eight minors for students not majoring in business. Options vary for business students and non-business students.

Minors for Bachelor of Science in Accounting Students

Business minors for Bachelor of Science in Accounting students are listed below.  Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students are advised to complete a double-specialization, rather than a minor in Business. See Degree Requirements.

  • Business Minors for BS in Accounting Students (click to view)

    The following minors are designed for students in the B.S. in Accounting program. Keep in mind that your minor can only overlap 2 courses with your major, and for many minors listed below the  courses that overlap with your Business major are listed first.  You need at least four additional courses to minor within the School of Business.

    Students in the Busch School of Business may also minor in other schools at the University. Please see the list of all Catholic University minors.

    Please note: Students in the School of Business are required to receive a C- or better in all courses.


    MGT 123B - Foundations of Business 
    MKT 345 – Marketing Management
    MKT 346 – Marketing Research
    MKT 348 – Consumer Behavior
    MKT 457 - Marketing Strategy
    One Marketing Elective (e.g. MKT 349, 350, 362, or 491, formerly with MGT prefixes)

    Strategy, Management, and Operations


    Two Core Courses

    ENT 118 (formerly MGT 118) – Vocation of Business
    MGT 123B - Foundations of Business 

    Human Resources Track

    MGT 310 – Leadership & Organization
    MGT 311 – Organizational Behavior
    MGT 390 – International Business 
    MGT 410 – Dispute Resolution

    Strategy Management Track

    MGT 310 – Leadership & Organization
    MGT 390 – International Business 
    MGT 491 – Special Topics in Strategy 
    MGT        - One Management Elective

    International Business

    MGT 123B - Foundations of Business 
    FIN 226 – Financial Management
    MKT 362 – International Marketing
    FIN 389 – International Corporate Finance    
    MGT 390 – International Business
    One International Business Elective (e.g.,  MGT 381, MGT 382, MGT 490)  


    ECON 223 – Statistics for Business and Economics
    FIN 226 – Financial Management
    FIN 332 – Investment Analysis (Fall Only)
    FIN 334 – Corporate Finance I (Spring Only)
    FIN 436 – Corporate Finance II
    One Finance Elective (e.g. FIN 342, 389, 337) 


    MKT 349 – Personal Selling
    MKT 435 – Sales Force Leadership
    MKT 422 – Consultative Professional Sales

    Elective Courses (choose three)
    DR 403  Public Speaking
    MKT 348  Consumer Behavior
    MGT 301  Ethics in Business and Economics 
    MGT 311  Organizational Behavior
    MKT 495A  Marketing/ Sales Internship
    MGT 250  Business Communications


    Core Courses
    ENT 118 (formerly MGT 118): The Vocation of Business
    ENT 372: Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital (available only in the Fall)
    ENT 455:
    ENT 472:
    Principled Entrepreneurship (available only in the Spring)

    Elective Courses (choose two)
    ENT 351: Managing the Family Enterprise
    ENT 451: Family Business Strategy
    ENT 476: The Spirit of Entrpreneurial Capitalism (available only in the Spring)
    ENT 494: Independent Study
    MGT 123B: Foundations of Business (available only in the Spring)
    MKT 348: Consumer Behavior
    MKT 422: Consultative Professional Sales

    Electives from the School of Engineering (cross-listed):
    ENT/ENG 420: Social Innovation, Part I (available only in the Fall)
    ENT/ENG 421: Social Innovation, Part II (available only in the Spring)


Minors for Non-Business Majors

Accounting | EntrepreneurshipFinance | International Business | Management | Marketing | Performing Arts Management | Sports Management | Markets and Political Economy| Sales

The Busch School of Business offers a number of minor programs for students who are not majoring in business. Earning a minor in one of these concentrations is a good way for students majoring in other disciplines to graduate with business knowledge and skills that can help them succeed in a wide variety of career paths. Specific requirements for these programs are outlined below.

Please note: Students minoring in the Busch School of Business are required to receive a C- or better in all minor required courses.


ECON 100/ – Fundamentals of Economics OR
SRES 101 – Markets & Prosperity I

ACCT 205 – Intro Accounting

ACCT 206 – Managerial Accounting

ACCT 310 – Intermediate Accounting I

ACCT 311 – Intermediate Accounting II

One Accounting Elective: (ACCT 412 – Auditing; ACCT 417 - Government/ Non-Profit Accounting; or ACCT 418 - Advanced Accounting)


ECON 100/ – Fundamentals of Economics OR
SRES 101 – 
Markets & Prosperity I

ENT 118 (formerly MGT 118) – Vocation of Business

ACCT 205 – Intro Accounting

MGT 123B - Foundations of Business (or MGT 123A) 

MGT 310 – Leadership & Organization

One Management Elective (e.g. MGT 240, 301, 311, 312, 324, 365, 372, 375, 390, 432, 475 or 491)

Marketing Management

ECON 100/ – Fundamentals of Economics OR
SRES 101 – 
Markets & Prosperity I

ACCT 205Intro Accounting

MGT 123B - Foundations of Business (or MGT 123A). (Previously listed as MGT 223)

MKT 345Marketing Management

MKT 348Consumer Behavior

Marketing Elective (e.g. MKT 346, 349, 350, 362, 457 or 491, 495A - Internship, etc.)


ECON 100 – Fundamentals of Economics OR
SRES 101 – Markets & Prosperity I

ECON 223 – Statistics for Business and Economics

ACCT 205 – Intro Accounting

FIN 226 – Financial Management

FIN 332 – Investment Analysis

FIN 334 – Corporate Finance I (MATH 111 is a prerequisite for FIN 334)

*Note: Students majoring in Economics should not complete the Finance minor for Non Business students, and instead should follow the course plan below

Performing Arts Management

ECON 100/Fundamentals of Economics OR
SRES 101 - Markets & Prosperity I

ACCT 205 Intro Accounting

MGT 123B - Foundations of Business

MKT 345Marketing Management

MUS 575 or DR 306 – Arts Management

Arts Internship - DR 495MUS 495B, or MGT 495A

Arts Elective (choose one elective from the below list ). For other options, consult with Area Director Dr. Sautet.

MUS 110
MUS 111
MUS 112
MUS 276
MUS 433
MUS 501A
MUS 506
MUS 533
DR 105
DR 205
DR 403
DR 410
DR 426

Finance - Economics Students

*Note: Students majoring in Economics should follow the course plan below:

1) and 2) Two classes that double count (ECON 100, ECON 101/103, ECON 102/104,ECON 223, ACCT 305, FIN 226)
3) FIN 332 – Investment Analysis
4) FIN 334 – Corporate Finance
5) FIN 436 –  Advanced Corporate Finance 
6) One elective from this list:

  • ECON 309 – Money and Banking
  • ECON 338 – Financial Modeling, Options and Future
  • FIN 313 – Financial Modeling in Excel
  • FIN 337 – Options & Futures
  • FIN 342 – Financial Markets & Institutions
  • FIN/MGT 389 – International Corporate Finance
  • FIN 391– Money, Banking, & Financial Crisis
  • FIN 491– Special Topics in Finance
** IEFH majors may not minor in finance as that is already part of their major curriculum.

 Sports Management

Four Core Courses:
ECON 100/ Fundamentals of Economics
SRES 101 Markets & Prosperity I

MGT 123B - Foundations of Business (or MGT 123A)

MGT 324Sports Management (Fall Only)

MKT 325Sports Marketing (Spring Only)

Select two electives: 

  • MGT 311 - Organizational Behavior (Fall Only)
  • MGT 327 - Sports Leadership and Ethics (Spring Only)
  • MGT 495BSports Management Internship
  • ECON 327Sports Economics and Finance
  • PSY 243Sports Psychology
  • SOC 345Sociology of Sports

International Business

International Marketing emphasis
ECON 100/ – Fundamentals of Economics
SRES 101
Markets & Prosperity I

ACCT 205Intro Accounting

MGT 123B - Foundations of Business (or MGT 123A)

MGT 390International Business

MKT 345Marketing Management

MKT 362International Marketing

International Finance emphasis
ECON 100Fundamentals of Economics

ECON 223Statistics for Business and Economics

ACCT 205Intro Accounting

MGT 123B - Foundations of Business (or MGT 123A)

MGT 390International Business

FIN 226Financial Management

FIN/MGT 389International Corporate Finance (Spring only)

Markets and Political Economy

Three Core Courses
SRES 101: Markets and Prosperity I
SRES 102: 
Markets and Prosperity II
SRES 315: 
Catholic Social Thought and Political Economy

Elective Courses (Choose three): List includes 200+ level SRES courses and courses in Politics, Sociology, or Philosophy. At least one must be 300/400-level SRES.

SRES 260: Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
SRES 345: Marriage, Family, and Social Order
SRES 350: Education and Religion in Social Research
SRES 408: Evolution of Business and Human Rights
SRES 470: Justice and Social Justice
SRES 476: Spirit of Entrepreneurial Capitalism
POL 111: Intro to American Government
POL 212: Intro to International Relations
POL 220: Intro to Law and Politics
POL 312: The Civil Rights Movement
POL 403:Person and Common Good
POL 404: Law and Morality
SOC 102: Global Social Problems and Justice
SOC 206:Families and Society
SOC 230: Families and Incarceration
SOC 270: Human Rights in a Global Society
SOC 281: Population, Environment, and Society
PHIL 333A: Philosophy of Natural Right and Natural Law


Four Core Courses
ENT 118 (formerly MGT 118): The Vocation of Business
ENT 372: Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital (available only in the Fall)
ENT 455:
 Venture Lab
ENT 472: 
Principled Entrepreneurship (available only in the Spring)

Elective Courses (choose two)
ENT 351: Managing the Family Enterprise
ENT 451: Family Business Strategy
ENT 476: The Spirit of Entrpreneurial Capitalism (available only in the Spring)
ENT 494: Independent Study
MGT 123B: Foundations of Business (available only in the Spring)
MKT 348: Consumer Behavior
MKT 422: Consultative Professional Sales

Electives from the School of Engineering (cross-listed):
ENT/ENG 420: Social Innovation, Part I (available only in the Fall)
ENT/ENG 421: Social Innovation, Part II (available only in the Spring)



MKT 349Personal Selling
MKT 435Sales Force Leadership
MKT 422 – Consultative Professional Sales

Elective Courses (choose three):

  • DR 403  Public Speaking
  • MGT 250  Business Communications
  • MKT 348  Consumer Behavior
  • MGT 301  Ethics in Business and Economics
  • MGT 311  Organizational Behavior
  • MKT 495A  Marketing/ Sales Internship 

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