Course Planning and Registration

  • Incoming Business Students Fall Registration Help Form

    Incoming Business Students Fall Registration Help Form

    This form is intended to help incoming Business students who receive an error message when validating the shopping cart or when registering.  Returning business students should complete the Class Registration Help form.
  • Internship for Credit Application

    To apply for an internship for credit, please email Hannah Hix in the Career Development office with:

    1. a copy of your offer letter and
    2. proof of communication with your manager/supervisor.

    She can guide you through the application process and will communicate with Busch Academic Services regarding your permission to enroll in the course for credit. 

  • Consortium Courses

    Consortium Courses

    Students requesting to take consortium courses are encouraged to visit this webpage for more information on how to apply. Catholic University students enrolled in an approved on-campus program leading to a degree who need a course not offered at Catholic University to complete degree requirements may select from the combined offerings of the institutions mentioned on the web page above which best meets their needs. Enrollment in the course will be processed by the Office of Enrollment Services. Catholic University students enrolling in courses through the consortium will not need to apply for admittance to the other consortium institution.


    1. Students are to find a college with their desired course using the Catholic University Consortium Registration Page.
    2. Students must complete both forms: 
      1. Consortium Registration Form
      2. Consortium Request Form: Statement of Need 
    3. The student is responsible for obtaining the appropriate academic approvals and returning the forms to the Consortium Coordinator in the Office of Enrollment Services (W200 Fr. O'Connell Hall) prior to Catholic University's add/drop deadline, as indicated on the Academic Calendar.
    4. Students should show, but not give, their copy of the Consortium Registration form to the course instructor, and keep their copy.
  • Late Registration for a Course

    Late Registration for a Course

    This hyperlink will lead you to the “Special Academic Requests” form. Here is where students can submit a request to register for a course past the add/drop deadline found on the Academic Calendar.


    1. Student emails the instructor and CCs  with the request.
      • The request must include a description for a legitimate reason for why the student is registering late. 
    2. The instructor may agree or deny the request.  If approved, then:
      • The associate dean then determines if the student had a legitimate reason for late registration.
      • If the associate dean approves, Academic Services forwards requests to Undergraduate or Graduate Dean:
        1. Dr. Lynn Mayer (for undergraduate students)
        2. Dr. J. Steven Brown (for graduate students)
      • If approval is granted, then Academic Services will enter permission and notify the student to enroll.
    3. If approval is granted and either 1) a course swap is required, or 2) the course is dynamically dated, then Enrollment Services must be notified.
      • Course swaps -- When the situation warrants a course swap (i.e., a late drop replaced by late add), the approval from Dr. Mayer or Dr. Brown must be forwarded to for processing.  Students do not have access to complete a swap transaction after the deadline without incurring a “W” for the dropped course.
      • Note: Swaps are only applicable when a student is switching from one section of a course to another or from one level of a course to another (i.e., math and language courses).
      • Dynamically dated courses -- When the course involved is dynamically dated, approval from Dr. Mayer or Dr. Brown must be forwarded to for processing.  Permission Time Period permissions will not override deadlines on dynamically dated courses.
  • Class Registration Help

    Class Registration Help

    This form is intended to help students, faculty, and advisors prepare for class registration. This form can help with requesting “Department Consent”, resolving holds on an account, seeking exceptions from prerequisites, and more.

Course Status

  • Request for Incomplete

    Request for Incomplete - download for fillable form

    Must be received in the Dean’s office no later than the last day to submit grades for the semester/term. If approved, the Dean’s office will enter the “I” grade in Cardinal Station. Note: This form is for business courses ONLY. Contact the dean's office of the course for non-business courses.


    1. The instructor determines a student meets conditions for an Incomplete:
      • The student is unable to complete coursework for legitimate reasons.  The instructor may request documentation from the student to support the judgement. 
      • The student is currently passing the course.
    2. The instructor and student determine what work must be turned in to complete the course and the specific due date. 
    3. Instructor and student complete the Request for Incomplete and submit to Academic Services.
    4. Upon approval, the grade of “I” will be entered by Academic Services for the current semester.
    5. After the remaining work is submitted, the instructor submits the Disposition of Incomplete Form by the agreed due date.
  • Pass/Fail: Registration Status Change

    Pass/Fail: Registration Status Change

    This form is required for requesting a course to be changed to a pass/fail grading system. In order to properly submit the form, students will need to print the form, complete it, scan the form, save it as a pdf and email the completed form to Academic Services.


    Register for the course regularly. 
    1. Fill out the Registration Status Change Form with course information. 
    2. Email to Academic Services
    3. Associate dean approves and forwards form to Enrollment Services. 
      1. Do not inform the instructor that you are changing to pass/fail. 

    At the end of the semester, Enrollment Services converts the letter grade from the instructor to either a P or F.
  • Withdraw: A form is not required to Withdraw

    Withdraw: A form is not required to Withdraw.

    Students complete this independently on Cardinal Station. Please refer to this guide for directions on how to withdraw from a course. 


    1. Check the Academic Calendar for the add/drop or withdraw deadline.
      1. Add/drop deadline is typically after 2 weeks of the semester. 
      2. Withdraw deadline is typically* after 10 weeks of the semester.
      3. *Courses with dynamic dates (BUS x99 courses, internships) have different add/drop dates. Please see this tutorial on Viewing Academic Deadlines.
    2. Dropping a course is done through Cardinal Station, see this guide.
  • Retroactive Course Drop or Withdrawal

    Retroactive Course Drop or Withdrawal

    This hyperlink will lead you to the “Special Academic Requests” form. Here is where students can request to retroactively drop or withdraw from a course after deadlines have passed. Please view the Academic Calendar to be aware of deadlines.


    1. Student emails Academic Services to request late drop. 
    2. Academic Services verifies that the student attempted and was unable to drop courses due to legitimate reasons. 
    3. If approved, Academic Services forwards student requests to Enrollment Services for processing.
  • Change to Audit

    Change to Audit

    Students wishing to audit a course(s) must first register via Cardinal Station. Once registered, the student must complete and submit the Registration Status Change form to their Associate Dean’s office to request that their grading status be changed to audit.

    If the Associate Dean signs off on the change to audit, the form will be forwarded by the Dean’s office to Enrollment services for processing. Upon receipt of the form and memo, the student’s grading basis will be changed to audit.

    Auditors are required to attend a minimum of one-half (½) of the class sessions. If this requirement is not met, the Office of Enrollment Services may, solely upon notice of the instructor of insufficient attendance, delete the course from the student’s record. Charges for the course will not be refunded, even if the auditor fails to attend the course.


    1. Student must register course through Cardinal Station 
    2. Student’s submit the Registration Status Change Form to Associate Dean’s office to change to audit
      1. The Dean’s office will forward the form to the Enrollment Services office
    3. Students sign, date, scan, and submit the form to


  • Special Permission to Over-Elect (18-20 credits)

    All students have permisison to enroll in up to 17 credits. Students are automatically given permission to overelect (up to 20 credits) in Cardinal Station if:

    1. The student's cumulative GPA is above 3.0 or
    2. The student's cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 but have completed 90 credit-hours (senior status) with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.

    Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 but who have a semester GPA of 3.0 or higher in the semester immediately prior to this request (having completed at least 15 credit-hours of non-Pass/Fail courses in the prior semester) may request for permission to overelect to the Assistant Dean.

    To apply for the exception to overelect without a 3.0 cumulative GPA, please complete this form.

    Overelect Form

    Students superelecting (21 or 22 credits) must submit the Special Academic Request form.

  • Exceed Summer Course Limit

    Exceed Summer Course Limit

    This hyperlink will lead you to the “Special Academic Requests” form. Here is where students can request to exceed their summer course limit. Please note that the limit for Catholic University courses taken over the summer is 4 courses and the limit for off-campus courses is 2 courses.

  • Permission to Superelect (Exceed 20 Credits)

    Superelect (Exceed 20 Credit Hours)

    This hyperlink will lead you to the “Special Academic Requests” form. Here is where students can request to exceed the 20-credit hour limit as a full time student in the fall or spring semester.

Adjust Your Academic Plan (Major/minor)

  • Declare/Change Specialization in Business Major

    Declare/Change Specialization in Business Major

    Please note that this form is for any change requests (removing or adding a major/specialization). To learn how to view your current academic plan, check this tutorial.

    Academic Services will process whatever is submitted in this form and update your Cardinal Station account based on your request. 

    The Busch School of Business offers three degrees with many options.

    You can view your degree, major, specialization, and/or minors on Cardinal Station.

  • Add/Remove a NON-Business Minor (all Business Students) or a Business Minor (BS Accounting students only)

    Addition/Removal of a NON-Business Minor or a Business Minor if BS Accounting

    BS Accounting Students may add a business or non-business minor to their record using this form.

    BSBA Students: Please complete the form below. ANY non business minor request for a business student can be completed by using this form. All available options are listed here. BSBA students may complete minors or certificates offered by other schools at the University. 

    Please review your academic program/plan to ensure you have the proper space to fit in a minor before submitting this form.

    Non Business Students: Please contact your school's Dean's Office to make changes to your Cardinal Station.


    1. Students should complete this form to request a change of minor (addition or removal).
    2. Academic Services processes requests within a few business days and emails you to confirm the change. 
    3. The update will be available to see in Cardinal Station at the end of the semester, see this “How To Check Your Program Plan."
  • Double Major Application (Specialization + Major Outside of Busch School)

    Double Major Application (Specialization + Major Outside of Busch School)

    Students seeking to “double major” within the Busch School are encouraged to double-specialize. 

    Students seeking to double major with a major outside of the Busch School are asked to complete the above form at the end of their sophomore year, and only if they have a GPA of at least 3.0.

    Applications will be effective dated for the start of the semester following approval by both deans.

Degree Progress

  • Class Substitution Request

    Request for Substitution for Requirement

    This form should be used in only 2 cases:

    1. Approval for study abroad courses to meet degree requirements or
    2. Specialization course substitutes which have already been approved by the area director. If the request has not been approved by the area director, please contact them first to get approval.

    Note: only liberal arts substitutions will be considered if the course is being taken while studying abroad.
    If you would like to take a liberal arts course that is not a degree requirement, nor an approved liberal arts elective, you can only take it as a Free Elective. The form does not need to be completed to register for a Free Elective.

  • Career Discernment Exemption (Transfers to Business)

    Career Discernment Course Exemption Request

    Students who transfer to the Busch School after the fall semester of freshman year may fill out this form to request to be exempt from one or more Career Discernment courses. This will be recorded when your  Busch School Academic Planning Worksheet is next updated (but not in the Advisement Report in Cardinal Students), and is not official until confirmed by Academic Services. 

    To request an exemption/substitution for any other course, you must fill out the Request for Substitution for Requirement form.

  • Expected Graduation Term Change Request

    Expected Graduation Term Change Request

    This form is intended for students seeking to change their expected graduation term. Before submitting this form, be sure to verify your expected graduation term by following the instructions on this guide

Special Requests

  • Final Exam Conflict

    Final Exam Conflict

    To resolve a Final Exam conflict, this form must be completed 14 calendar days before the last day of classes. Final Exam conflicts include but are not limited to:

    • Three or more exams scheduled for one day.
    • Two or more exams scheduled for the same time period.

    Academic Services will email you and the instructor(s) to set up an accommodation. It will be up to you and the instructor to set up an alternative date for the exam.


    1. Students should review and follow the procedure outlined in Section II: Policy of the University Final Exam Policy. For the purposes of summary only, please view the following unofficial steps: 
    2. Students should notify their Associate Dean no later than fourteen calendar days before the last day of class. 
      1. In the case of a serious illness or family emergency on the date of the scheduled final exam(s), the student should immediately notify their Associate Dean and the Dean of Students
      2. Students representing the University in athletic or other events during finals week must work with the Athletics Department and Associate Dean to deal with any conflicts. 
    3. The Associate Dean will work with the student and instructor to reschedule the exam(s) for the course with the lowest enrollment. 
  • Special Academic Requests (other than course substitutions)

    Special Academic Requests

    This form is meant to submit special academic requests (other than course substitutions) to the Associate Dean of Students of the Busch School of Business. To request course substitutions, please submit the Class Substitution Request form.

     If you have any questions, please email

    Follow the guidelines below to prepare the best request:

    You MUST submit a detailed request.  Be specific, use full sentences, use correct capitalization, etc.  The details you include should allow the reader to understand all the details of your case.  This form should "stand-alone" by including all relevant details for the reader to approve/deny your request.

    **This form is NOT used to request permission for classes or course substitutions.  To request permission for classes visit the Class Registration Help form above. **

Requests to Other Schools

  • Study Abroad Application

    Study Abroad Application

    Study Abroad forms will become accessible on this webpage after you begin your abroad application at the link above. For more information about study abroad, visit


    1. Attend an informational meeting for your selected program 
    2. See the prerequisites for traveling abroad for your specific program 
    3. Apply to your selected program 
    4. One step in your application is submitting the Credit Approval Form
      1. Students studying on CUA's Rome Campus should check courses offered by term, fill in their information and 6-7 possible courses on the Credit Approval Form provided by CUAbroad, and send it to
      2. Students studying in programs not offered by Catholic must follow this Transfer Credit Process and wait for course evaluations before submitting the form to Busch Academic Services.
  • Transfer Between Schools

    Transfer Between Schools

    Students seeking to transfer from the Busch School of Business to another School are asked to complete only section one of the application, then email a scanned copy to Academic Services.

    Process to Leave Busch School

    1. Submit Transfer between Schools form to Academic Services
      1. Academic Services will approve and send to Dean of the program you plan to join, such as the School of Theology. 
      2. That school will submit to Enrollment Services to process.

    Process to Join Busch School:

    1. Submit Transfer between Schools form to your current school’s Dean’s Office, such as Arts and Sciences.
      1. Your Dean will submit the form to the Busch School. 
      2. The Busch School will approve and submit to Enrollment Services to process.
    2. You will receive an email from Academic Services when your paperwork is processed.  This welcome email will include key contact information for the Busch School and a Faculty Advisor.


    • The Associate Dean must grant approval for students to join the school. 
  • Arts and Sciences: Forms and Requests

    Arts and Sciences: Forms and Requests

    The forms and requests above only apply to students in the School of Arts and Sciences. For forms and requests outside of Arts and Sciences, please contact the appropriate school or department.

  • Arts & Sciences: How-to-Guide

    Arts & Sciences: How-to-Guide

    This guide is intended to help students with any questions about how to fill out the above forms and requests.