The Sales Program hosted its annual Fall Sales Career Day event last month in Heritage Hall. The Sales Career Day is a fair-style recruiting opportunity where this year, over 175 sales program students were provided the opportunity to network and engage with more than 50 representatives from companies in the Sales Program’s network to learn about sales careers, including full-time jobs, internships, and underclassmen engagement opportunities.
The event featured all 12 of the Sales Program's Corporate Partners, with sales and recruiting representatives from Paycom, Varonis, Bloomberg Industry Group, NetApp, memoryBlue, Deltek, Take2 Consulting, Medix, Splunk, Adobe, Financial Growth Partners, and Palo Alto Networks in attendance.
Brianna Green, Campus Recruiting Lead at Take2 Consulting shared the following about her experience as a corporate partner at the event:
“Being on campus for Sales Career Day continues to be a highlight in our recruiting season. Every student I met was polished, professional, and excited to be part of the event, making my job that much easier and more enjoyable! We are thankful for the assistance of the event coordination team that works tirelessly to continue to make this a great and successful event for the students AND the sponsors – we look forward to many more events in the future!”
Outside of the sales program’s corporate partnership network, additional employer representatives from AlphaSights, Cvent, Equitable Advisors, Gartner, Iron Bow Technologies, Okta, OPEXUS, and Qlik attended the event to meet candidates and discuss sales career opportunities within their organizations.