Briefly describe your new opportunity.
"I will be entering into a year of formation at one of Life Teen's camps in North Georgia where I will live in the community with 14 other first-year missionaries. We will be assisting in the ongoing outreach initiatives of camp through retreats, work projects, off-site ministry, and summer camp, reaching over 6,000 teens! All in all, our goal is to lead teens closer to Christ!"
How did your Busch School and Catholic University education help you find this career path?
"The Busch School highlighted the beauty of service and of giving yourself generously to others, and through the example of my professors and the importance of striving for virtue that they conveyed, I was pushed to spend my first year out of college on mission. The career development team and my advisors also helped me with my application, letters of recommendation as well and prep for my interview which helped me succeed in obtaining this position."
What activities were you involved in during your undergrad?
"I was involved in Campus Ministry, specifically in the Freshman Retreat Team, and I am now the Director of Marketing and Communications. I have been involved in our Habitat for Humanity chapter for the past 3 years and am currently on the e-board as the marketing chair. I was also in Take Note Acapella, the President's Society, and the honors program."
What were some highlights of your time at Catholic University?
"I have loved the community of friends that I have gotten to grow with. In every activity and organization that I have gotten involved in, I have met the most wonderful people, starting freshman year on the 7th floor of Opus Hall. These people have supported me and challenged me, especially in my faith life and they are the ones who have made my time at CUA the unique and enriching experience that it has been. We can all get busy from time to time, but I know every Wednesday night I'll see them at adoration and cellar night. It's our faith that has grounded us and CUA that has given us the opportunity and resources for it to blossom."
What advice do you have for students during their job search?
"Find something that makes you excited to interview! Nothing will be easier and more appealing to an interviewer than being in an interview where you are passionate and full of joy for the position you're applying for."