Mason Theriault, CatholicU '24, is an Operations Management and Marketing student from Scituate, Massachusetts. He accepted a job as an Engagement Financial Advisor at Deloitte and Touche LLP.
Briefly describe your new job opportunity.
"I will be managing and monitoring the money Deloitte spends and makes during an engagement with a client."
How did your Busch School and Catholic University education help you find this career path?
"The Catholic University Alumni network helped me tremendously through the application process."
What activities were you involved in during undergrad?
"Busch School Internships, Campus Ministry, and The Busch School Mentorship Program"
What were some highlights of your time at Catholic University?
"Creating relationships with friends that I know I will always have has been the highlight of my time at Catholic."
What advice do you have for students during their job search?
"Make sure you are taking advantage of the network circles that your professor has."