• Anthony P. Cannizzaro, Ph.D.

    Academic Director

    Dr. Anthony Cannizzaro is the Academic Director of the Family Business initiative at the Busch School. He is also Associate Professor of International Business and Strategic Management and serves as the Director of the school's Strategy Management & Operations academic area.


    Carl Ciovacco, Ph.D.


    Dr. Carl Ciovacco is a Lecturer at the Busch School of Business and Executive in Residence in the University's Family Business initiative. His academic interests include business communications and management, family business, as well the nexus between economics and national security.


    John Mino, J.D.

    Family Business Fellow

    John Mino, Esq. is a Fellow with the University's Family Business initiative and a lecturer in the Busch School of Business. John’s involvement in the initiative includes curricular development for the school’s family business co-specialization, and leadership in developing the school’s Family Business Consortium.


    Frederic Sautet, Ph.D.

    Entrepreneurship Program Director

    Dr. Frederic Sautet is an economist who specializes in market process, entrepreneurship research, and political economy. He is the Academic Director of the Busch School's Entrepreneurship Program, co-founder of the Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship, as well as founder and director of the Röpke-Wojtyła Fellowship.


    Harvey Seegers, J.D.

    Associate Dean and Ordinary Professor

    Harvey Seegers, Esq. is Associate Dean for the Busch School of Business and Ordinary Professor of Practice in Strategy, Management & Operations. Dean Seegers is a decorated veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, and former head of e-commerce at both General Electric and Home Depot.


    Andreas Widmer

    Director, the Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship

    Andreas Widmer Associate is Professor of Entrepreneurship and the director and co-founder of the Art & Carlyse Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship at the Catholic University of America’s Busch School of Business. He is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, former Swiss Guard, and the author of The Pope and the CEO.