Co-Founder, Ciocca Center
Dr. Frederic Sautet is a co-founder of the Ciocca Center and an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship Theory and Political Economy at the Busch School of Business. He teaches foundations of market process, entrepreneurship research, and political economy, as well as history of business and entrepreneurial capitalism.
Dr. Sautet is an academic entrepreneur. He founded and directs the Röpke-Wojtyła Fellowship, is the academic director of the entrepreneurship program, and leads the Ciocca Center Scholars Conference. When taking Dr. Sautet’s courses, students — whether or not they intend to become business entrepreneurs — study entrepreneurship as a social phenomenon. “Entrepreneurship” has become a bit of a buzzword, and many commentators equate it only to starting new businesses. But this is a reductionist view. Instead, we should understand entrepreneurship as a reflection of the nature of the human person who is made in the image of God: the human person is a co-creator, both in and out of the business realm.
There is a wealth of knowledge embedded in the notion of entrepreneurship that is waiting to be explored. Dr. Sautet’s courses are popular among a coming generation of Catholic business entrepreneurs, and also with students who aim to understand an approach to social science that recognizes entrepreneurship as the prime mover of social change. All this is part of the learning experience students obtain while pursuing the entrepreneurship minor.
Dr. Sautet has published widely on entrepreneurship and political economy. He is the co-editor of Israel Kirzner’s Collected Works published by Liberty Fund. See his faculty page here. Contact him: sautet@cua.edu