Neil Watson, MSB '13, is in charge of Consumer & Market Insights at Tillamook. In undergrad, Neil was an Entrepreneurial Business major.
Why did you choose to attend the Master of Science in Business program?
"I chose the MSB program to build business acumen in a way that put people and values first. I had always believed that business was a force for good, but how to apply that in the real world was tougher and that's what led me to the MSB. I also wanted to build a strong, lasting support network for my career and to explore a new part of the world."
How did the MSB Program prepare you for your career path?
"A recent National Bureau of Economic Research paper showed that managers from non business school programs share profits with their workers, whereas b-school graduates managers do not. At the same time, firms appointing b-school managers do not have higher output, investment, or employment growth. I think a lot of that has to do with how traditional b-school managers are trained. Put the bottom-line first. Shareholder value above ethical value. Maximize efficiency.
This is what makes Catholic University's program so exceptional & truly unique. The MSB approaches business differently. I was taught to think of the people impact. To find value in the process, not the results. To employ profits for the greater good. The MSB's non-traditional approach prepared me for the reality of the business world - yes - but also provided me the foundational leadership skills to stand-out by taking a common-good view of business. It prepared me to be a true leader, rather than a profit seeking b-school drone."
What advice would you give to prospective students?
"Nurture curiosity and fuel wonder. As with all things in life, you get out of it what you put into it. Come to the MSB program with burning questions, self-aware humility, and a desire to do good through business and you will succeed."