Liam O’Neill, CatholicU '25, is a Finance and Sales student from Broomall, Pennsylvania. He accepted a job as an Executive Sales Representative.
Briefly describe your new job opportunity.
"I will be starting as a full time sales executive for Paycom prior to graduation."
How did your Busch School and Catholic University education help you find this career path?
"The sales program at Catholic has a wonderful network with many stellar tech companies. Professor Weber specifically was a great resource for me."
What activities were you involved in during undergrad?
"Captain on the men’s lacrosse team."
What were some highlights of your time at Catholic University?
"I love working with my teammates all towards the same goal every day. I also really enjoyed the sales program."
What advice do you have for students during their job search?
"Interview as many places as you can even if you are not interested in the company. The more exposure and interview experience you get the better you will position yourself for success."