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Instructor Scanlon received a BS in Metallurgical Engineering from Missouri University for Science & Technology. Over a 46 year career, he held operational and corporate staff and management positions at Caterpillar, Inc., Caterpillar Industrial, Inc; Southern Pacific Railroad, the US Postal Service, and the Transportation Security Administration. He has contributed to and/or led projects and initiatives that delivered over $500 million in savings, cost reduction, and related benefits. He pioneered the introduction of performance metrics in Security Operations at TSA for which he received the Individual Excellence Award from Michael Saylor at MicroStrategy's World Conference in 2009. He earned the distinction as a Master Baldrige Examiner for the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program after over 20 years of volunteer service on the Board of Examiners during which he led site visit teams to three award-winning applicants.
Instructor Scanlon and his wife of 47 years, Janet, live in Urbana, MD. They have three grown children and four grandchildren.